Meeting 2023-10-16


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Daniel
  • Adi
  • Moritz
  • Christoph N.
  • Chris K.
  • Jannis
  • Felix


  • Moritz & Chris K.
  • Jannis & Christoph N.
  • Adi & Daniel


  • 09:00 welcome, high-five
  • Felix nearly done
  • Protocol: Jannis
  • buddy talk: case study
  • PermaplanT 1.0
    • no tablet support but multi-browser
    • no offline support but collaboration
    • no range selection but timeline
    • no alternatives but creation of layers
    • reduce to essential layers
  • PermaplanT 0.3.5
    • fix planting of seeds (mark with envelope in common search)
    • usability improvements (multi-select, sizes of plants)
  • sprint plan
  • estimation of use case complexity
  • outlook

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 20.10.2023:

  • submit a (short) text in submissions
  • buddy talk
  • Get current issues, PRs and use cases (UC) done
  • Create/update issues/tests (behavior driven) as needed for future tasks
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do reviews of PRs in main repo and submissions

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 20.10.2023:

  • Felix: Modul Dokumentation, Schnittstellenbeschreibung mit Fehler, Shutdown&Watchdog Beschreibung/Drop, fix issues
  • Jannis: finish NC chat+online status, milestone plan, Dockerfile neues Rust, 2 first PermaplanT issues
  • Moritz: seeds search, seed UC done, issue seeds on the map, (base layer auto?)
  • Daniel: keybinding+timeline decisions/concept, impl notes?
  • Christoph: UC merge, usability guidelines, (PR seed search), ctrl+shift als issue, issues
  • Adi: nur E2E: seeds tests, exceptions, concurrency
  • Chris: scraper fertig, plants hierarchy+relations

Meeting Notes

Layer state management is the most complex aspect of the PermaPlanT frontend right now due to the collaboration feature.

Copy&Paste collaboration feature is too complex as just another use case => needs to be split up.

Number of layers restricted by library konva, they recommend only a few (4-5) layers. This is a problem before we add more layers. Konva does offer groups with simillar API to layers. Issue #952

Judge complexity in fibonachi number story points. Story points are not mapp