Manual Test Report (pre v0.3 case study release)


  • Tester: Aydan Namdar Ghazani
  • Date/Time: 25 July 2023
  • Duration: 15 minutes
  • Commit/Tag: af6b307
  • Setup: local build
  • Planned tests: 14
  • Executed tests: 14
  • ✔️Passed tests: 10
  • ⚠️Problematic tests: 3
  • ❌Failed tests: 1

Error Analysis

  • TC-007: Functional deviation or limitation.

  • TC-009: The test case worked, just the image loading error appeared.

  • TC-010: Same as 009.

  • TC-013: Functional deviation or limitation. Priority: TBD.

Closing remarks

How is the current state of the software?

The software seems to be a in a reasonable state with almost all core functionalities working.

Only the timeline had some slight issues and one bug (issue #699) seemed to be present on the map creating page.

Have the quality objectives been achieved?

There were no defined quality objectives at this time.

What are the consequences drawn from the current state, including: how can future errors be avoided, how can the development process be improved?

It worked quite well! More tests could be automated to decrease manual effort for testing.


TC-001 - Login

  • Description: Successfully login to PermaplanT
  • Preconditions:
  • Test Steps:
    1. Press the login button on the navbar.
    2. Enter credentials.
    3. Press Login.
  • Expected Result:
    • Get redirected to the homepage.
    • Be logged in.
    • See a Hello message pop up.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

TC-002 - Translation

  • Description: Switch language on website
  • Preconditions:
  • Test Steps:
    1. Change the language in the navbar
  • Expected Result:
    • Language should be changed after selecting a new one.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

TC-003 - Use Case: Map Creation

  • Description: Successfully create a new map.
  • Preconditions:
    • Be logged in.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Go to the map editor page.
    2. Create a new map.
    3. Enter valid stuff.
  • Expected Result:
    • Map should be successfully created.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

TC-004 - Map Creation (Negative)

  • Description: Can't create a map with a name that exists
  • Preconditions:
    • Be logged in.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Go to the map editor page.
    2. Create a map with a name that already exists.
    3. Enter valid stuff.
  • Expected Result:
    • Map should not be created.
    • Error message pops up on the top right.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:
  • Description: Show a selection of plants if the search input is empty.
  • Preconditions:
    • No search input has been provided in the plant search.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Naviagate to the map page.
    2. Select a map.
    3. Select the plant layer in the right map menu.
    4. Push the search icon in the lower right menu.
  • Expected Result:
    • A selection of plants is shown to the user.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:
  • Description: Return expected results for a given search in the selected language.
  • Preconditions:
    • The search term "tomato" has been typed into the search field.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Naviagate to the map page.
    2. Select a map.
    3. Select the plant layer in the right map menu.
    4. Push the search icon in the lower right menu.
    5. Write "tomato" into the search field.
  • Expected Result:
    • The plants shown contain the string "tomato" in part of the datacolumns as outlined in the usecase document.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:
  • Description: Returns results for searches in the language that was not selected.
  • Preconditions:
    • The search term "fichte" has been typed into the search field.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Navigate to the map page.
    2. Select a map.
    3. Select the plant layer in the right map menu.
    4. Push the search icon in the lower right menu.
    5. Write "fichte" into the search field.
  • Expected Result:
    • Firs (Latin Picea, German "Fichten") are part of the search results in addition to English matches.
    • Matches on english data fields are ranked above english matches.
  • Actual Result: Only plants with the name firs.
  • Test Result: ⚠️
  • Notes: I can see plants with the name spruce, but where are the plants with the name firs?

TC-008 - Heatmap


TC-009 - Timeline

  • Description: Change the date of the map to 'hide' plantings.
  • Preconditions:
    • User must be on the map planning screen.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Add a planting to the map.
    2. Click on the date selection on the bottom of the screen.
    3. Navigate to a date in the past.
    4. Wait 1 second.
  • Expected Result:
    • The indicator was briefly blue, indicating a loading state.
    • The indicator beside the input is green.
    • The Date on the bottom/right corner of the screen shows a date in the past.
    • The planting previously planted is gone.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ⚠️
  • Notes: Issue #699, image loading error was present.

TC-010 - Timeline

  • Description: Change the date of the map to 'unhide' plantings.
  • Preconditions:
    • User must be on the map planning screen.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Add a planting to the map.
    2. Click on the date selection on the bottom of the screen.
    3. Navigate to a date in the past.
    4. Wait 1 second.
    5. Navigate to today.
  • Expected Result:
    • The indicator was briefly blue, indicating a loading state.
    • The indicator beside the input is green.
    • The Date on the bottom/right corner of the screen shows the current day.
    • The planting previously planted was gone while being in the past.
    • The planting is visible again.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ⚠️
  • Notes: Issue #699, image loading error was present.

TC-011 - Timeline

  • Description: Change the add_date of a planting to 'hide' it.
  • Preconditions:
    • User must be on the map planning screen.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Add a planting to the map.
    2. Click on the planting.
    3. Click on the Add Date date selector in the left lower toolbar.
    4. Change the date to a date in the future.
  • Expected Result:
    • The indicator was briefly blue, indicating a loading state.
    • The indicator beside the input is green.
    • The planting previously planted is gone.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

TC-012 - Timeline

  • Description: Change the remove_date of a planting to 'hide' it.
  • Preconditions:
    • User must be on the map planning screen.
    • The plants date has to be in the past.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Add a planting to the map.
    2. Click on the planting.
    3. Click on the Remove Date date selector in the left lower toolbar.
    4. Change the date to today.
  • Expected Result:
    • The indicator was briefly blue, indicating a loading state.
    • The indicator beside the input is green.
    • The planting previously planted is gone.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

TC-013 - Timeline

  • Description: Change the add_date of a planting to 'unhide' it.
  • Preconditions:
    • User must be on the map planning screen.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Add a planting to the map.
    2. Click on the planting.
    3. Click on the Add Date date selector in the left lower toolbar.
    4. Change the date to a date in the future.
    5. Wait one second
    6. Remove the date
  • Expected Result:
    • The indicator was briefly blue, indicating a loading state.
    • The indicator beside the input is green.
    • The planting previously planted was gone while its add_date was in the future.
    • The planting is visible now with its add_date unset.
  • Actual Result: The plant did not appear again.
  • Test Result: ❌
  • Notes: Was tested multiple times and on a fresh map.

TC-014 - Base Layer

  • Description: Check whether the maps background image is displayed correctly.
  • Preconditions:
    • A map has been created.
    • The user has navigated to the map.
    • The base layer has to be selected as the active layer.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Select a base layer image.
    2. Set the base layer rotation to 45 degrees.
    3. Scale the base layer image to 50 px per meter.
    4. Close and reopen the current map.
  • Expected Result:
    • The selected base layer image is displayed after it has been selected.
    • Applying rotation was successful (the image is rotated by 45 degrees).
    • Applying scale was successful (the image is twice as large).
    • The state of the base layer does not change when closing and reopening the map.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes:

TC-015 - Grid

  • Description: Display a point grid on the screen.
  • Preconditions:
    • User must be on the map screen.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Press the grid button in the left upper menu bar.
    2. Zoom all the way in.
    3. Zoom all the way out.
  • Expected Result:
    • The grid is displayed.
    • Each press on the grid button toggles the grid of/on.
    • Zooming in, grid spacing should switch from one meter to ten centimeters.
    • Zooming out, grid spacing should switch ten centimeters to one meter to ten meter.
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️
  • Notes: