Meeting 27.06.2024 - Heatmap


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Lukas
  • Christoph (protocol)


  • Heatmap rework (traffic light system)
  • Heatmap layers

Meeting notes


The heatmap visuals will be changed from a red to green color gradient to a traffic light system (red, orange, green). Each cell has an opacity level between 0% and 80%, with following cases:

  1. A cell should be 0% opaque (no color) if there is no data for it.
  2. Red means the cell is completely unsuitable for a plant.
  3. Orange means the spot is not ideal according the available data.
  4. Green indicates a favorable space.
  5. Black indicates a space occupied in the future, see #1472

The opacity depends on the environmental factor. The rules for combining several environmental factors are:

  1. The worst color grade is taken.
  2. Opacity should be increased for each factor present in the same space.


  • If one layer is orange with 60% opacity and another is red with 50% opacity then the cell should be red with about 70% opacity
  • If two layers are red with 50% opacity then the cell should be red with about 70% opacity

(Actual math of opacity is to be discussed)

Example scenarios for colors:

  • Red is caused by the shading being off by 2 or more levels or the moisture class being wrong
  • Orange is caused by an antagonistic spatial relationship, the shading being off by 1 level or being negatively affected by previously planted crops (crop rotation)

All mentioned values should be configurable via a database table. Even the colors should be configurable for accessibility.

Shade layer

  • 'Permanent deep shade' should be removed.
  • If there is no shading drawn in a cell it should count as 'no shade' (full sun).
  • Shading calculation should consider a plant's light_requirement and shade
  • For the shading calculation a cell being darker than the light_requirement is always worse, but it being lighter is fine
  • Influence of shadings should drop of a bit at the edges (the edges should have lower opacity)

Hydrology layer (= moisture layer)

  • If there is no moisture specified for a cell, it should not be considered in the heatmap

Plant spatial relations

  • Currently the influence starts to drop off at the 'edge' of the plant
  • There has been some discussion that the influence should start dropping off a little earlier
  • Currently only spatial relationships are considered for the planting date (while planting)
  • In the future there will be a new (optional) column time_to_harvest, which will determine when the plant will be removed (which is additional to life_cycle, to be used when no time_to_harvest is available). The removed_on date will be set by adding a plants time_to_harvest to its added_on date after planting a plant.
  • When planting a new plant, the whole interval from added_on to removed_on should be considered, not just added_on
  • If no removed_on date can be determined then only the added_on date is considered (this is the case for 'endless' plants or trees)

Crop rotation

  • Crop rotation doesn't have influence over a distance, only spatial relation has influence over a distance.