Use Case: Review Plant Relationships


  • Scope: Plants Layer
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors: Reviewing User, Reviewed User, Administrator
  • Brief: The quality of a user-created plant relationship is assessed by others.


  • Precondition:
  • Main success scenario:
    • The reviewing user comments on the relationship to note something that seems relevant to her.
    • The reviewing user approves the relationship because she agrees with it.
  • Alternative scenario:
    • The reviewing user only comments on the relationship but doesn't approve it and might suggest a different relationship (e.g. neutral).
    • No changes are made to the relationships confidence score.
    • One administrator decides on the outcome.
  • Error scenario:
  • Postcondition:
    • The number of approvals are counted for the administrator to decide on the confidence score. Relationships with higher confidence score will have a higher weight when suggesting plants or suggesting alternatives.
    • On changes of the confidence score, the reviewed user gets notified about the updated score.
  • Non-functional Constraints: