Meeting 2023-09-25


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Daniel
  • Adi (protocol done)
  • Moritz (protocol done)

Did not attend:

  • Christoph N.
  • Chris K.
  • Jannis
  • Felix


  • Moritz & Chris
  • Adi & Felix
  • Jannis & Christoph
  • Daniel & Adi (Beginn)


  • 09:00 welcome
  • Buddy talk, was "Problem is the Solution"
  • Permaculture Principles Part II
  • Protocol: Moritz
  • 3.4 release, finalize seed use case:
    • seed search
    • additional name everywhere
  • sprint plan
  • outlook

Upcoming Meetings

Infrastructure Meetings:

  • 26.9.2023 15:00, with Adi and Lukas
  • 24.10.2023 15:00, additionally with Daniel and Chris

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 29.9.2023:

  • Get current issues, PRs and use cases (UC) done
  • Buddy talk: milestones, intro in PermaplanT/Submission
  • Create/update issues (behavior driven) as needed for future tasks
  • submit one page of text, maybe from free writing
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do reviews of PRs in main repo and submissions

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 29.9.2023:

  • Daniel: intro tasks, submissions, use cases

  • Adi: E2E seeds tests

  • Moritz: seeds search, seed UC done, seeds page test

  • Felix: (1) Module, Initialisierung, Sender+Receiver, Schnittstellenbeschreibung ohne Fehler, Trait Send impl, method for testing (2) Shutdown&Watchdog&Fehler&Pipes overruns, finish refactor

  • Christoph: search improvements, multi-select UC erstellen, copy&paste UC split, usability guidelines, restore-viewing-state UC (decision: Zustand persist)

  • Chris: scraper fertig, plants hierarchy+relations

Meeting Notes

Goal for this week: Finish and Release Seed use case. What was done last week: Christoph managed to fix a tricky Bug regarding search fields being cleared implicitly. Adi improved makefile dependencies. Moritz worked on various bugs and improvements on the seeds page.