Meeting 2023-04-18

Unfortunately no protocol was written


  • Gabriel (Best PermaplanT Companion KW16)
  • Moritz (Best PermaplanT Companion KW15)
  • Samuel (Best PermaplanT Companion KW14)
  • Benjamin (Best PermaplanT Companion KW13)
  • Nursultan (Best PermaplanT Companion KW12)
  • Giancarlo (Best PermaplanT Companion KW11)
  • Paul
  • Ramzan
  • Markus
  • Yvonne

Unfortunately could not attend:

  • Thorben
  • Lukas


  • Giancarlo & Moritz
  • Lukas & Gabriel
  • Samuel & Nursultan
  • Ramzan & Thorben
  • Benjamin & Paul

Tasks for Everyone

To be done before the meeting:

  • read the agenda, ask questions if anything is unclear

To be done within next week KW15 (14.4.2023):

  • Test inserting seeds locally (manual import from scraper still needed) and report here
  • Finalize decisions #2
  • Write Forschungstagebuch in submissions repo (longer progress report)
  • Push at least a very short progress report to the branch meeting_notes/18.04.2023
  • Update sprint plan
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW16
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week (main repo and submissions)
  • Thesis: write hypothesis, improve Glossary&Goals (submission)
  • Look at ways how to improve documentation (storybook or mdBook)
  • Speak to your Buddy: In-Person Meeting

Individual Tasks

To be done within next week KW15 (14.4.2023):

  • Moritz: create base layer, backend integration, finish frontend tests, timeline
  • Benjamin: creating a new layer, API description
  • Samuel: landing page finalize, UI for plant use case (right toolbar)
  • Gabriel: testing strategy, backend architecture,
  • Ramzan: endpoints map creation/deletion, DB/ER Diagram, SQL code examples feasability,
  • Paul: undo/redo, frontend testing
  • Giancarlo: drawing layer, seed overview (edit, delete, ...)
  • Lukas: frontend CI
  • Nursultan: scraping, plant DB finalize, architecture, thesis correction
  • Yvonne: Drawings, Documentation of structs
  • Markus: Texts for landing page
  • Thorben: TBD


  • 09:00 welcome
  • Gabriel (Best PermaplanT Companion KW16)
  • buddy talk: in-person meeting
  • sprint plan: Planning for next iteration.
  • PRs/Issues relevant for you:
  • finalize plant hierarchy
    • added rank cultivar
    • define unique name
    • external_url, external_id
  • reviews:
    • review fast, review others when reviewing buddy reviews
    • use check list
    • new item: check if i18n is done completely
    • please say in the PR when you think work is blocked
    • added please merge label
  • related work:
    • should compare to your "approach"
    • scientific, peer-reviewed citations
  • balance: properly test, document your work, no rush
  • Documentation&Tests
    • Categories: mdBook, Storybook, rust code or API
    • Put more links (within same category)
    • in which category to put which documentation
    • Frontend/Backend testing
  • M1 complete today ("Landing Page")
  • implement M2 this week

Progress Reports

Please push progress reports in items below:

  • Samuel:
    • landing page: favicon, logo fix
    • fixed existing linting errors
    • auth decision
    • todo & circle use cases
  • Benjamin:
    • pagination: waiting for approvals
    • map layers: reviewed PR from Giancarlo, seems easy to use
    • plant search: did some investigation, implementation is blocked by pagination PR
  • Thorben:
    • added more table descriptions to database schemata.
    • map on landing page only load on manual click.
    • added pricing and imprint page.
  • Lukas:
    • Release Pipeline (#236) done
    • Frontend Checks (#197) done


Please push questions in items below:

  • Samuel:
    • Can we clean up PRs?
  • Benjamin:
    • Can I clean up the backend structure? Some things seem messy.
      • Both entity and dto exists as file and directory in the model package. Shouldn't they both be a regular package of their own?
      • Both entity and dto split each struct and it's function implementations across two files. Wouldn't it make more sense to put struct and functions together into one file for each?
      • Why is dto part of the service layer? As this is the way we represent data in the api it fits better as subpackage of controller.
      • Intersection of layers. The service layer should be the one acting between controllers and database. Why do controllers get the database connection pool as argument when this would better fit the service layer? Why does the database layer handle mapping from entity to dto when this should belong in the service layer?


Please push progress in decisions, or other important changes devs should know, in items below:

  • add here


create issues

To be done within next week 21.4.2023 (KW16):

  • Speak to your buddy
  • Create issue(s) and implement your use case(s) as assigned
  • Write Forschungstagebuch
  • Push at least a very short progress report to the branch meeting_notes/25.04.2023
  • Update sprint plan (see queries above)
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW17
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week in main repo and submissions (see about reviews above)
  • Thesis: add related work (5 citations)
  • Create a PR to improve documentation: API, storybook or mdBook