Frontend UI & Usability

This guide should help improve the UI (User Interface) and usability of the PermaplanT web application going forward.
Its focus is:

  • on the one hand a mix of general UI and usability best practices and
  • on the other hand design suggestions tailored to PermaplanT.


  • Size

    • <h1> Headings : text-2xl
    • <h2> Subheadings: text-xl
    • <h3> Subheadings (currently not used/needed): text-lg
    • Navigation items: text-lg
    • Running text: text-sm
    • Form fields and labels: text-sm
  • Family

    • PermaplanT is using Tailwind's default cross-browser sans-serif stack everywhere. (If a different family is to be used in the future, extend the theme with a new theme.fontFamily section in our Tailwind config file tailwind.config.js.)
  • Alignment

    • Always left align everything.
    • Exceptions:
      • Modals: center headings
      • Guided tour: center highlighted actions
  • Spacing / margin

    • <h1> Headings: mb-8
    • <h2> Subheadings (and below): mb-2
    • Cards (like on our Map overview): mb-4
    • Form fields (like on the Seeds page): mb-8
    • Labels of form fields: mb-2
  • Letter spacing

    • Always go with the default value, i.e. tracking-normal. (In case letter spacing changes are considered in the future:
      • Headings: use negative values for the bigger headings h1-h3, i.e. tracking-tighter or tracking-tight
      • Running text: tracking-wide or tracking-wider)


PermaplanT uses following color palettes:

  • Neutral (PermaplanT: gray): dominant color of the design, e.g., used for background, text and labels.
  • Primary (PermaplanT: asparagus green): PermaplanT's main brand color, e.g. used for call-to-action buttons, checkmarks, highlighting focused form input fields, hovering over icons, highlighting active/enabled icons in the toolbox.
  • Secondary (PermaplanT: sea blue): PermaplanT's second brand color, e.g. used for highlighting selected plants on the map, currently focused icons, spinners, action-texts in the guided tour and bigger UI elements like the transparency bars to have some contrast to the primary color.
  • Tailwind's default color palette for red is e.g. used to render validation errors in forms, form field asterisks (text-red-500), buttons for destructive actions.

Only those color palettes should be used throughout the whole application. The colors are stored within the Tailwind CSS color definitions primary, secondary and neutral. They can be accessed like any other defined color in Tailwind CSS and can be appended with a number denoting the shade to be used.

Following shade suggestions should be used as a starting point for coloring new UI components: | location | light mode | dark mode | | :------------------ | :------------- | :------------ | | main color | 500 | 300 | | text on main | 50 | 700 | | alternative color | 200 | 600 | | text on alternative | 800 | 200 |

(Google's Material Design Guidelines contains more information on color palettes and their usage.)



  • Cancel should be blue and on the left bottom.
  • Labels should be shown above edit fields.
  • Display a left aligned heading if the form is representing a whole page, e.g. PermaplanT's forms to create maps and seeds.
  • Add a capitalized label above each field.
  • Align labels to the left of their corresponding fields.
  • Always use the for HTML attribute (in React: htmlFor) to bind the label to the field.
  • Always use PermaplanT's SearchInput component to declare search fields instead of declaring them with type search.
  • Don't use the title attribute for any form fields (see
  • All form fields should have the same styling:
    • border color: border-neutral-500 dark:border-neutral-400-dark
    • border focus: focus:border-primary-500 dark:focus:border-primary-300
    • border radius: rounded-lg
    • padding: p-2.5
    • placeholder: placeholder-neutral-300
    • text: text-sm

Error Prevention

  • Validation errors are detected and shown by using the native input validation of HTML5.
  • Use the corresponding type of the input field, e.g. date for date fields, number for numerical-only inputs etc.
  • Mark required fields with an asterisk (see above for coloring)
  • Use HTML-native constraint attributes for input fields where appropriate, e.g. maxlength, required, step, etc.
  • Use short placeholder texts for input fields to show allowed values or further explain the intent of the input field.
  • Users should never be required to manually enter a metrical unit or a currency symbol. Instead, make the unit part of the input field itself or leave it out if it's clear from the context.
  • Submission to the backend should not happen until all fields are verified by the frontend logic.
  • In case of submissions on-the-fly (always except of pages that only consist of a form), the data should always be submitted with debouncing.
  • Double submissions should be correctly prevented (not via disabling buttons, as submission via enter or shortcuts still might be possible).


Things with the same meaning should look and behave the same throughout the whole application. Users should never be uncertain if different words or icons mean the same thing, or different actions trigger the same process.


  • Main Heading of a page is always defined by <h1> which must be the only one of its kind per page
  • Headings of all toolbars are always defined by <h2>
  • If textual links, e.g., the links in PermaplanT's navigation bar, need to be surrounded by space, always set their margin instead of padding.
  • Make call-to-action buttons look the same everywhere by using our SimpleButton component. Use Tailwind's classes to define the button's margin and width, if necessary due to layout or viewport.
  • We use *ToastGrouped with auto-close and default position (top-right) for information that should be shown as toast. Prefer to indicate errors more locally, if possible (like in forms).
  • Use the same application-specific terms as shown in the glossary everywhere when communicating to the user, e.g., always write PermaplanT.
  • A path with multiple points should be ended with a right mouse click, using similar text throughout the application in the status bar.


  • A tooltip on hovering must be displayed for every icon in PermaplanT's toolbox. The tooltip contains the icon's label (as concise as possible) and, if existing, the assigned shortcut in italics.
  • When active, i.e. currently activated/enabled, they must get a small highlighting through a visually stronger and more colorful appearance by using the design's primary colors.
  • When passive, i.e. currently not active/enabled, they must must appear in neutral colors/colorless.
  • When disabled, i.e. currently not clickable, they must be greyed-out, via decreasing their opacity.
    The mouse cursor must be styled with the not-allowed CSS property.


Highlighting techniques:

  • Font weight:

    • Bold text adds tolerable noise to the design and enables distinct highlighting in both short and long texts. It is the preferred highlighting technique to use. Nevertheless, use it sparingly.
    • Italic text adds minimal noise to the design, but lacks in recognizability.
    • Underlining adds most noise and compromises a text's legibility. It should not be used except for links.
  • Colors: primary and secondary colors of the design's color palette Use the secondary colour only for links.

  • Images: users generally remember images better than words


Messages shown to the user should strive to fulfill following criteria:

  • concise: the more text the less likely it will be read by the user
  • clear: straight to the message's essence
  • understandable for technical laymen: no status codes or technical terms
  • no exclamation marks: might come across as commanding
  • no uppercase words: might come across as shouting
  • detailed information should be hidden behind a read more link or a collapsed section
  • Headlines, Sub-headlines and Labels should be capitalized
  • Minimize hyphenation of words
  • English: American English
  • German: Neue Rechtschreibung, informal "du"
  • use plural to avoid gendering, i.e. use we/they, avoid he/she


  • ESC should do the equivalent to clicking X in the status bar
  • ESC should cancel current selections

Error Messages

In general, error messages often convey the impression that an application's stability is weak which, in consequence, leads to a declined user experience. Error messages should only be used if the user, without that information, would be badly surprised by the result of an action. Always prefer locally given visual indications to error messages.

Error messages should fulfill following criteria:

  • polite and neutral: do not directly or indirectly blame anyone and stay away from jokes
  • start the message with Sorry, ...
    (German: "Entschuldigung, ...")
  • write personified, e.g., I could not ...
    (German: "Ich konnte ... leider nicht ..."; "leider" might be omitted)
  • brief
  • specific to the problem
  • no technical terms and error codes
  • mention a reason for the problem and say probably if not totally sure about the problem (you verified that this must be the reason)
  • also offer possible solutions only, and only if, you are sure about them (you verified that this must be the solution)
  • use colors/formatting to highlight important passages (see above)
  • show via errorToastGrouped, for details see above in Consistency

E.g.: "Sorry, I cannot communicate with my server, there is probably some network problem or the server is down. Please retry later."


For a clean and maintainable layout, z-index should be used sparingly. Isolate z-index control to the root element of each component that needs overlapping elements. This creates staking contexts within components, preventing z-index conflicts across the application. If an element within a component doesn't require special z-index positioning, leave it to the default value of 'auto'.

List of z-index values currently present in the application, for future reference:

  • BottomStatusPanel (inner Component of BaseStage.tsx): 10
  • Tooltip in PlanningAttributeEditForm component: 20
  • Leaflet elements from OpenStreetMap (zoom +/- buttons, citation label on bottom right): 800 (note: pre-defined value coming from the external library used)
  • Navbar: 1001 (note: value chosen to be guaranteed "on top" of "Leaflet" elements)
  • TransparentBackground (usage in modals): 1010
  • ModalContainer (usage in modals): 1020
  • Toast notifications: 9999 (note: pre-defined value coming from the external library used)