Meeting 2023-07-25

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 21.7.2023:

  • Manual testing for done UCs
  • Fix left-overs in and get current use cases (UC) done
  • Write in submissions about your case study
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of PRs in main repo or submissions

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 21.7.2023:

  • Thorben: UC gain blossoms done, User Study Preparations (privacy page)
  • Paul: UC time line done, UC plant layer done relations, read-only, Arbeit schreiben
  • Moritz: UC base layer, NC file picker, grid, debouncing, open PRs prepare for merging
  • Gabriel: Lukas Logging Doku, preparation for squash, shade layer, docu+testprotocol for heatmap
  • Lukas: documentation of infrastructure especially PermaplanT setup
  • Adi: improve CI, decision of E2E, smoke test, help for release
  • Christoph: labels+formatting of plant names, import of relations (in scraper), squashing (with import of "sizes"), review DB
  • Markus: release
  • Yvonne: case study
  • (Samuel: NC hierarchy, UC photo layer)


  • Gabriel (Protokoll done)
  • Thorben
  • Adi
  • Moritz
  • Christoph
  • Markus
  • Yvonne

Cannot attend:

  • Paul


  • Samuel
  • Lukas
  • Giancarlo


  • Moritz & Christoph
  • Gabriel & Thorben
  • Adi & Paul



  • 09:00 welcome
  • protocol: Thorben
  • submissions:
    • review more texts
    • self-merge PRs
    • American English vs. British English
    • related work: "uniqueness", compare with others
  • Entwicklung:
    • richtige Einstellung: keine Arbeit als lästig deklarieren
    • richtige Anstrengung: nicht zu viel (anspannung), aber auch nicht zu wenig (täglich weitermachen)
  • further points to consider for every PR:
    • migrations should not remove any data and should be compatible from now on
    • introduction tour might need updates
  • Abschluss Code Reading
  • case study
  • user study
  • weekly releases: 0.3.0 released, see Changelog
  • sprint plan
  • milestone plan
  • outlook
  • warm shower

Outlook: Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 28.7.2023:

  • Fix left-overs in and get current use cases (UC) done
  • Write one page in submissions
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of PRs in main repo or submissions

Outlook: Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 28.7.2023:

  • entf, labels?

  • Adi: manual tests, help for release

  • Thorben: intro tour done, User Study Preparations

  • Paul: read-only, Arbeit schreiben

  • Moritz: various fixes, debouncing, documentation, (open PRs prepare for merging)

  • Gabriel: preparation for squash, shade layer, docu+testprotocol for heatmap

  • Markus: release

  • Yvonne: sizes of plants

  • Lukas: documentation of infrastructure especially PermaplanT setup

  • (Christoph: sizes of plants, review DB)

  • (Samuel: NC hierarchy, UC photo layer)

Meeting Notes

  • Thesis:

    • British or American english, not mixed (American preferred)

    • Related work should showcase differences/what you did different

  • Release of 3.0 (hopefully) today

    • data should be persistent going forward

    • Heatmap and Introduction Tour kept as WiP

  • Final talk with code reading before graduation

  • Changelog:

    • map editor has now a grid layer

    • Base Layer connected to backend

    • file picker for background image on Base Layer

    • migrations are squashed and sanitized

    • various documentation improvements and bug fixes