Use Case: Offline


  • Scope: Notifications
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors:
    • User: A user who wants to work offline. Must have the permissions to lock.
    • Other user: Other users who have write access to the same layers in the map
    • Owner of the map.
  • Brief: The user has some features offline while being in the garden without Internet access.


  • Precondition:
    • The user has opened the app and is logged in.
  • Main success scenario:
    • The user presses an "offline" button. (1)
    • Then the browser actually can be taken offline. (2)
    • The user goes to the garden.
    • The map can be edited on the layers that are marked suitable for offline functionality.
    • The user comes back from the garden.
    • After the work, the browser gets online. (3)
    • The user presses the "offline" button again. (4)
  • Alternative scenario:
    • After a 8h timeout or if the owner of the map decides, the lock can be removed. In this case, all data from the offline work is lost.
  • Error scenario: Could not go offline or online: An error message is displayed.
  • Postcondition:
    • All changes while being online are transferred.
  • Non-functional Constraints: It is clearly visible in which state the browser is:
    1. before going offline (browser is online)
    2. offline
    3. prepared for going online again (browser is online)
    4. online