Use Case: Experimental Results


  • Scope: Experimental Results
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors: App User
  • Brief: The user can give a feedback of the actual results for a map in a measuring cycle.


  • Precondition:
    • The user has opened the app.
    • The user has previously fully designed a map and implemented it in real life.
  • Main success scenario:
    • The user gets a number of simple recommended methods to measure amount and quality of their harvest, including a step-to-step guide to execute them.
    • The user performs one or more of these methods or conducts their own advanced analysis.
    • The user can input the results of the analysis in a feedback form of the map.
    • The data gets saved and is used to adapt the parameters of the used entities in this map.
  • Alternative scenario:
  • Error scenario: A technical error occurs, preventing the user from submitting the feedback form. In this case the system should display an error message and allow the user to try again.
  • Postcondition: The accumulated data from this and previous measuring cycles can be viewed as a report in a separate details screen of the map.
  • Non-functional Constraints: