Backend ORM/SQL Crate


We are currently using Diesel as our ORM in Rust.

Since Diesel doesn't support async out of the box we will look at other alternatives and see if a switch is reasonable.
The reason why I believe pure async is better in our case is that it quite difficult (especially for Rust beginners) to mix async and blocking code.

There might also be advantages of other ORM crates that as of writing this have not been considered.


  1. Migrations need to be supported
  2. PostGIS extension need to be supported


  1. Diesel is a solid choice, therefore unless other ORMs have obvious advantages differences will not be looked at in detail.



Diesel currently is the most used ORM in the Rust ecosystem.
It supports migrations written in SQL that can be executed from command line.

Diesel is the ORM we are using as of writing this decisions.

Diesel with diesel_async

diesel_async is a drop-in replacement of corresponding diesel methods providing async support.

According to the author of diesel_async the project won't be officially released (meaning version 1.0) until Rust has better support for async.
As Rust version 1.67 has no async traits and the likes yet performance might be slightly worse than Diesels.
You can see the discussion about that on Reddit.

To switch from diesel to diesel_async we just would have to import different traits and make our functions async.
diesel_async doesn't provide support for async migrations. This however is not a problem as migrations are run at startup anyways and therefore has no impact.


SeaORM is based upon sqlx and supports async out of the box.
It supports migrations written in Rust.

In my opinion SeaORM provides better and more easily readable documentation out of the box. This might however just be my personal preference.

See also SeaORM documentation.


We use diesel_async with postgis-diesel.

See also Diesel Documentation.


At the current state the small advantages sea-orm might have over Diesel don't justify switching as this would involve quite a big change. Furthermore, it seems to be slower and without support for PostGIS.

An interesting article to look at is
Apart from minor differences Diesel and SeaORM provide similar functionality.


Both diesel_async and sea-orm provide async support.

This might not necessarily lead to a performance increase, but it is easier for (especially inexperienced) developers to stay in full async.

For example if you forget web::block when executing a query using Diesel you block the async executor (tokio in our case) until the query is finished.
We currently have a lint warning about async functions that do not use await, you will therefore notice this mistake.
However for inexperienced Rust developers it might be difficult to find out why this warning occurred as the code compiles and runs perfectly fine (especially with small loads).

This has already happened in our code.

Furthermore it is really difficult to spot blocking functions without actually knowing the whole codebase (and therefore knowing which functions are blocking).
As an example as of writing this every call to any of the functions in the service directory would block the executor.
In a PR it is almost impossible to spot something like this when you are not the one who actually wrote the function originally.


Metrics by Diesel

To sum up the above article:
According to this article Diesel performs the best on basically all metrics. Diesel_async brings a slight performance decrease.


There is postgis-diesel for Diesel, which works for diesel_async as well.
I have found nothing similar for SeaORM.