Meeting 2023-07-11

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 7.7.2023:

  • Read Test Strategy and update of DoD
  • Get current use cases (UC) done
  • Submit&2x review Submissions : intro & transitions
  • Buddy talk: case study
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 6 reviews of other PRs in main repo

User Study

Please help fixing known bugs and blocking issues for user study until Friday 7.7.2023

  • #151 Personifying Error Messages -> Thorben
  • #570 improve texts (remove "Edit attributes", "Drag and drop" -> Pflanzen/Planting, "Layers" -> Ebenen) -> Thorben
  • #547 Edit Planting's Dates in Sidebar
  • #541 plant icons shine through
  • plantings: mouse partially over tooltip -> Paul
  • labels for active layer via toolbar, "tags" icon -> Samuel
  • eraser/trash -> Samuel
  • disallow non-proportional resize -> Paul

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 7.7.2023:

  • Thorben: UC map creation done, UC gain blossoms
  • Paul: UC time line, UC plant layer (relations&heatmap)
  • Samuel: base layer persistency, CORS, NC file picker, NC hierarchy, (UC photo layer)
  • Adi: #504 frontend BASE_URL, cargo build, (versioning), various tasks
  • Lukas: documentation of infrastructure, CORS
  • Gabriel: base map API, heat map API, plant relations, API+DB for plants finish, UC map search, Plant layer: relations (API), map polygon API
  • Christoph: review DB, documentation regarding PermaplanT setup, import of relations (in scraper), import of "sizes" (alternatives UC)
  • Moritz: edit plant properties, grid 10Pixel/10cm, finish UC plant search, UC base layer with fixed scale in frontend with NC images, seed/map search in frontend, UC shade layer
  • Markus: netidee
  • Yvonne: netidee


  • Adi
  • Paul (Protokoll ok)
  • Thorben (Protokoll ok)
  • Gabriel (Protokoll ok)
  • Moritz (Protokoll ok)
  • Christoph (Protokoll ok)
  • Markus
  • Yvonne


  • Samuel (Protokoll ok)

Not here:

  • Lukas
  • Felix (Protokoll ok)
  • Giancarlo


  • Lukas & Felix
  • Moritz & Christoph
  • Gabriel & Thorben
  • Adi & Paul



  • 09:00 welcome
  • protocol: Adi
  • tell someone how to improve and what was done great
  • weekend goal: do case study
  • Samuel Holidays Buddies
  • weekly releases
  • weekly submissions
  • sprint plan
  • milestone plan
  • outlook

Outlook: Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 18.7.2023:

  • Fix remaining problems in
  • Do Case Study with PermaplanT
  • Write in submissions about your case study (as contribution, with screenshot)
  • For extra meetings in July:
  • Get current use cases (UC) done
  • Buddy talk: case study
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of PRs in main repo or submissions

Outlook: Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 18.7.2023:

  • Thorben: UC gain blossoms done

  • Paul: UC time line done, UC plant layer done relations, edit plant properties (heatmap)

  • Moritz: UC base layer with manual fixed scale in frontend with NC images, NC file picker, grid 10pixel/10cm (UC shade layer)

  • Gabriel: base map API, API+DB for plants finish, UC map search, Plant layer: relations (API), map polygon API, Lukas Doku?

  • Lukas: documentation of infrastructure

  • Adi: improve CI, smoke test

  • Christoph: review DB, import of relations (in scraper), documentation regarding PermaplanT setup, (import of "sizes") (alternatives UC), (squashing)

  • Markus: release

  • Yvonne: case study


  • Samuel: NC hierarchy, (UC photo layer)

Meeting Notes

Feedbackrunde: Gabriel: Lob an Paul, gute Ideen im Frontend und Backend(SSE). Paul: Feedback an Thorben, gute Arbeit im Frontend. Thorben: Feedback an Adi, schnell eingelebt. Adi: Lob an Moritz für das Testprotokoll. Moritz: Positives Feedback an Christoph.

Neue Buddies: Paul & Adi Dieses Wochende letzten fixes. PR's im Wochentakt mergen. Nicht zu lang offen lassen. Christoph & Adi wöchentlich was schreiben (Case study).

Weekly Recap: Markus viel mit Netidee beschäftigt. Moritz war auf Urlaub und krank :/. Thorben UI/UX arbeiten (hover tooltip, duplicate button, User sichtbare texte, Toast messages vereinheitlicht) Paul UI improvements und bug fixes. Konva performance probleme. Graue Linien entfernen, könnte die Performance verbessern. Gabriel: Version, cronjobs(cascade delete?), heatmap. Adi: Version, cargo build beschäftigt, kleine Pipeline improvements. Christoph: Datenbank layout, ER diagramm.

Fokus: Thorben -> Blossoms Paul -> Timeline, Plant layer Moritz -> Offene PR's abschließen. Grid->Layer scaling Paul -> Heatmap < Plant picker Gabriel -> Alles durchtesten, abschließen bis 16.07, CRUD interface baselayer + Protokoll Adi -> Tests und buildtime improvement Christoph -> DB tables, plant name formatting, plant labels.