Meeting 2023-04-25

Protocolled by: Thorben


  • Gabriel (Best PermaplanT Companion KW16)
  • Moritz (Best PermaplanT Companion KW15)
  • Samuel (Best PermaplanT Companion KW14)
  • Giancarlo (Best PermaplanT Companion KW11)
  • Paul
  • Thorben
  • Markus
  • Yvonne (Birthday)

Cannot come:

  • Lukas
  • Ramzan (Best PermaplanT Companion KW17)


  • Nursultan (Finished, Best PermaplanT Companion KW12)
  • Benjamin (Aborted, Best PermaplanT Companion KW13)


  • Giancarlo & Moritz
  • Lukas & Gabriel
  • Ramzan & Thorben
  • Samuel & Paul

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until 21.4.2023 (KW16):

  • Cleanup your old issues you can find with the links provided last time:
  • Create issues as needed for the current sprint, in particular for your assigned use case and individual tasks
  • Speak to your buddy about related work
  • Implement your use case(s) as assigned in /doc/usecases.
  • Write Forschungstagebuch
  • Push at least a very short progress report to the branch meeting_notes/25.04.2023
  • Update sprint plan (see queries above)
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW17
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week in main repo and submissions (see about reviews above)
  • Thesis: add related work (5 citations)
  • Thesis: check citations of others (if you find better/more recent/peer-reviewed citations)
  • Create at least one PR to improve documentation: API, storybook or mdBook

Individual Tasks

To be done until 21.4.2023 (KW16):

  • Gabriel: auth, testing strategy, backend architecture,
  • Thorben: map creation/deletion full stack (UI, end point, database)
  • Benjamin: polyculture -> Moritz/Paul; search -> Gabriel
  • Moritz: create base layer
  • Samuel: UI for plant use case (left toolbar), Lib suchen, frontend auth
  • Paul: undo/redo, timeline
  • Ramzan: Map Versioning (SQL+end points for loading/saving versions of maps), DB/ER Diagram, SQL code examples feasability
  • Giancarlo: copy&paste, drawing layer, seed overview (edit, delete, ...)
  • Yvonne: Drawings, Documentation of structs
  • Markus: Dokumentation


  • 09:00 welcome
  • protocol
  • special honors and celebrations:
    • Ramzan (Best PermaplanT Companion KW17)
    • Yvonne (Birthday)
    • new buddies: Samuel & Paul
  • individual tasks (which of are you proud of)
  • sprint plan: Planning for next iteration.
  • show nursultan's thesis, 70/20/10
  • contributions of your work:
    • what you implemented/reviewed/...
    • new scientific results
    • new methodology
    • reproduction
  • procrastination
    • cannot directly switching off thoughts, instead movement, nature, meditation
    • buddies etc. (healthy social system)
    • "wöchentliche schaffbare Happen"
  • backlog:
    • importance of progress reports/questions/decisions
    • documentation for yourself
  • M1 celebration "landing page"
    • media coverage:
  • finish M2
  • time to say goodbye:
    • Nursultan (Finished, Best PermaplanT Companion KW12)
    • Benjamin (Aborted, Best PermaplanT Companion KW13)

Meeting Notes

  • Icebreaker Game
  • What progress are we proud of this week?
    • Testing strategy for backend finished
    • Seed edit & delete complete
    • Base layer editor made good progress
    • DB scraper finished and works
    • Map undo/redo nearly finished
    • Improvements on the website
  • Sprint Progress
    • Done:
      • Published first release
      • Frontend bugfixes
      • Third scraper finished
    • In Progress:
      • map creation/deletion
      • authentication
      • editor toolbar
    • To be done:
      • Full-text search
  • A look at Nursultans Thesis (good job! 👍)
  • Alternatives to procrastination:
    • Meditation
    • Taking a walk in nature
    • Talk to Markus/your Buddy
  • Reduce polyculture tasks to data import due to Benjamin having to leave the team

Progress Reports

  • Moritz
    • Submitted PR for frontend testing setup.
    • Started work on base layer.
    • Submitted related work / citations for thesis.
  • Paul
    • Implemented most of undo-redo use case.
  • Samuel
    • Integrated right toolbar for map editor
    • landing page improvements for release (texts, pictures)
  • Lukas
    • Release Pipeline
    • Infrastructure
  • Gabriel
    • Testing Strategy: Decision
    • Testing Strategy: Test cleanup (Reviewing)
    • Backend architecture (WIP)


Please push questions in items below:

  • open issues/problems
    • Gabriel: weekend work
    • Giancarlo: copy&paste
    • Moritz: find time
    • Nursultan: scraper double insert
    • Paul: undo/redo
    • Samuel: new task
    • Thorben: backend


Please push progress important changes devs should know, e.g. decisions, in items below:

  • Plant Search Decision:


To be done until 28.4.2023 (KW16):

  • Speak to your buddy about contributions
  • Finish/integrate your implementation of use case(s) as assigned in /doc/usecases.
  • Write Forschungstagebuch
  • Push at least a very short changelog to the branch meeting_notes/25.04.2023
  • Update sprint plan (see queries above)
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW18 (without Nursultan and Benjamin)
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week in main repo and submissions (see about reviews above)
  • Thesis: add contributions
  • Create issues of favorite things you would like to do
  • Create at least one PR to improve documentation: API, storybook or mdBook

Individual Tasks

To be done until 28.4.2023 (KW16):

  • Gabriel: auth, testing strategy, backend architecture,
  • Thorben: map creation/deletion full stack (UI, end point, database)
  • Benjamin: polyculture -> Moritz/Paul; search -> Gabriel
  • Moritz: create base layer
  • Samuel: UI for plant use case (left toolbar), Lib suchen, frontend auth
  • Paul: undo/redo, timeline
  • Ramzan: Map Versioning (SQL+end points for loading/saving versions of maps), DB/ER Diagram, SQL code examples feasability
  • Giancarlo: copy&paste, drawing layer, seed overview (edit, delete, ...)
  • Yvonne: Drawings, Documentation of structs
  • Markus: Documentation