Meeting 12.08.2024


  • Markus
  • Stefanie (Protocol done)
  • Jannis
  • Yvonne

not here:

  • Andrei (Protocol done)

cannot come:

  • Christoph (Protocol done)
  • Lukas (Protocol done)
  • Filip


  • Stefanie & Christoph & Andrei
  • Jannis & Lukas


  • 09:00 start
  • Archilles tendon
  • protocol: Jannis
  • holiday 28.8. -> 5.9., no regular meeting 2.9.
  • fix dev
  • diversity improvement in search
  • review round technical texts:
    • short, clear sentences
    • strong verb as early as possible
    • small submissions without clutter (template etc.)
    • usage of code, formulas, diagrams, ...
  • upgrades
  • live meeting 25.08.
  • Task Board

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 16.08.2024:

  • submit a page of text in submissions
  • buddy talk: discuss and apply Permaculture Principles
  • update to nodejs 20.16 on your machine
  • approve meeting MR
  • request and approve for requested reviews
  • get MRs done
  • create/update issues for yourself and assign to next iteration

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 16.08.2024:

  • Stefanie: RQs, look into tools, bug fixing
  • Jannis: complete MRs, hydrology&soil type backend implementation, fixes, write methods, klarheit über issues

Was not here:

  • Filip: fix dev branch, test maps, collect data (2000 concurrent users, why is image loading so slow?)
  • Lukas: Shading fixes, mockup for shading&moisture&soil
  • Christoph: continue hierarchy
  • Andrei: categorize and improve issues, remembering viewing state

Meeting Notes

Discussed: It would be benefitial to seperate NewPlantingDto (post) from PlantingDto (get) but as this is not urgend => work around it for now and not do any seperation.

live meeting on 2024-08-25.