Manual Test Report (v0.3.3)


  • Tester: Aydan Namdar Ghazani
  • Date/Time: 15 September 2023
  • Duration: ~10 minutes
  • Commit/Tag: af6b307
  • Setup:
  • Planned tests: 11
  • Executed tests: 8
  • ✔️Passed tests: 5
  • ⚠️Problematic tests: 3
  • ❌Failed tests: 0

Error Analysis

No errors occured during the test.

Closing remarks

How is the current state of the software?

The software is in a good state.

Have the quality objectives been achieved?

There were no defined quality objectives at this time.

What are the consequences drawn from the current state, including: how can future errors be avoided, how can the development process be improved?

The test protocol can be improved. There is no need to write testcases for features that are not implemented yet.


  • Description: Show a selection of plants if the search input is empty.
  • Given I am on a map page with the plant layer active
  • When I have an empty search box
  • Then I can see various plants as results
  • Test Result: ✔️


  • Description: Test whether the heatmap endpoints generates the image correctly.
  • Given I am on a map page with the plant layer active
  • When I start planting a plant
  • Then I see suitable places for that plant
  • Test Result: Not Implemented

Base Layer

  • Description: Check whether the maps background image is displayed correctly.
  • Given I am on a map page with the base layer active
  • When I select a base layer image
  • Then I can see the base layer image on the canvas
  • Test Result: ✔️


  • Description: Display a point grid on the screen.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I Zoom in or out
  • Then the grid spacing is changing
  • Test Result: ✔️

Map Editor Guided Tour

  • Description: Check whether the Guided Tour leaves the Map Editor in its original state.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I do the Guided Tour
  • Then after I have done the Guided Tour the map is the same as before
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ⚠️
  • Notes: Was not able to test, since my user already performed the tour in the past

Map Editor Guided Tour

  • Description: Guided Tour shows when not completed.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I have not completed the Guided Tour
  • Then I can do the Guided Tour at any time
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ⚠️
  • Notes: Was not able to test, since my user already performed the tour in the past

Map Editor Guided Tour

  • Description: Guided Tour only shows when not completed or explicitly cancelled.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I have not completed the Guided Tour
  • Then I can interrupt the Tour at any time and come back later
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ⚠️
  • Notes: Was not able to test, since my user already performed the tour in the past

Edit seed

  • Description: Edit seed.
  • Preconditions:
    • User is on the view seed page.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Press Button "Edit seed"
    2. Change an attribute of the seed.
    3. Submit the form.
    4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for every seed attribute.
  • Expected Result:
    • The seed attributes updated successfully.
  • Test Result: ✔️

Delete seed

  • Description: Edit seed.
  • Preconditions:
    • User is on the view seed page.
  • Test Steps:
    1. Press Button "Delete seed"
  • Expected Result:
    • The selected seed is no longer available.
  • Test Result: ✔️

Chat: Create conversation

  • Description: A conversation can be created
  • Given I am on the chat page
  • When I create a new conversation
  • Then I can see the conversation in the conversation list
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: Not Implemented
  • Notes: Currently only works with CORS disabled.

Chat: Send message

  • Description: Send a message to a Nextcloud conversation.
  • Given I am on the chat page
  • When I select a conversation
  • Then I can send messages in that conversation
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: Not Implemented
  • Notes: Currently only works with CORS disabled.