Meeting 2023-05-09

Protocolled by: Moritz


  • Gabriel
  • Moritz
  • Samuel
  • Giancarlo
  • Thorben
  • Lukas
  • Paul
  • Markus
  • Yvonne


  • Ramzan


  • Giancarlo & Moritz
  • Lukas & Gabriel
  • Ramzan & Thorben
  • Samuel & Paul

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until 5.5.2023 (KW18):

  • Get all PRs for plants use case merged, so that we have a integrated UI with all parts
  • Speak to your buddy about fixed hours
  • update your README in submissions: fixed hours, contact data etc.
  • Write Forschungstagebuch
  • Push at least a very short Changelog and Progress Report to the branch meeting_notes/9.5.2023
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week in main repo and submissions
  • Thesis: write any page you feel like, Free Writing
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW19 (now without Nursultan and Benjamin, we will miss them!)

Individual Tasks

To be done until 5.5.2023 (KW18):

  • Ramzan: Post GIS
  • Paul: frontend architecture, timeline
  • Giancarlo: copy&paste (nach redo), plants layer drag&drop (offen), seeds edit&delete (nur CI fixen)
  • Samuel: state refactoring, frontend auth
  • Gabriel: auth, testing strategy, new unit tests
  • Thorben: map creation with versions full stack (UI, end point, database)
  • Moritz: base layer (SimpleForm offen), DB review
  • Lukas: keycloak
  • Yvonne: Drawings,
  • Markus: PRs mergen

Individual Tasks

To be done until 12.5.2023 (KW19):

  • Paul: frontend architecture, timeline
  • Giancarlo: copy&paste (nach redo), seeds edit&delete (nur CI fixen), plants layer drag&drop (offen)
  • Samuel: state refactoring, frontend auth, components documentation
  • Gabriel: auth, testing strategy, new integration tests, plant search
  • Moritz: base layer (SimpleForm offen), DB review, base layer specific for maps+polygons, integration for plants layer
  • Thorben: map creation+alte PRs me, DB, Versioning, save&load, map properties
  • Lukas: keycloak, left-over issues
  • Yvonne: Pavlo,
  • Markus: PRs mergen


  • 09:00 welcome
  • protocol
  • game: true/false question
  • team, team, team
    • for benchmarks?
    • for user study? (Thorben/Giancarlo)
  • English&Thesis
    • mood changer
    • line breaks in text
    • avoid modal verbs
    • methods: only what is actually used
  • large scale programming
    • write more assertions
    • end-to-end tests summary
  • sprint plan
  • milestone M2 finished


Please push progress important changes devs should know, e.g. decisions, in items below:

  • OAuth2
  • decision: 5 sec timeout
  • decision: keybindings in JSON files
  • companions table


Please push questions in items below:

Progress Reports

Please push a short progress report in items below:

  • Gabriel: documentation of backend architecture (merged), OAuth2 in backend (review)
  • Samuel: finished toolbar (#315, #189), toolbar integration ready for review after #244 and #306 are merged, WIP: frontend auth
  • Moritz: finish base layer PR (update from review needed)


  • finish M2: plant UI, auth, maps DB, user-specific seeds
  • talk to (non-)buddies: collaboration for benchmark/user study
  • Push at least a very short Changelog and Progress Report to the branch meeting_notes/16.5.2023
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week in main repo and submissions
  • Thesis: Write Refinement of Methods (Reviews Next week)
  • Update doc/ (May)
  • Create PR improving design by contract/assertions

Meeting Notes

  1. Small warm up game.
  2. Teams for evaluation
    • BSc. students performing a user study or a benchmark should get toghether and unify their processes.
    • This might reduce the time to perform benchmarks for multiple componenets.
    • Gabriel: consider using Lighthouse for frontend evaluation
  3. English in context of BSc. thesis. and reviews.
    • mood changers (but, however, ...):
    • Can be left out entirely and replaced by paragraphs
    • However is a bit complicated to use. E.g. don't use at the end of a sentence.
    • Phrases should not be changed.
    • Line break after each sentence
    • Modal verbs (can, might, may, ...). Should be used to communicate probailities in technical contexts. Its best to avoid them throughout the thesis.
  4. Methodology section
    • Should only contain methodologies that are actually used.
  5. Progress reports
    • Communicate changes of scope early (e.g. something can not be done within a week).
    • More feedback (especially until friday).
    • Be open about mistakes.
    • Put weekly changes into progress report so that other team members get an overview of what changed.
  6. Pablo sent a comprehensive companion list
  7. Update/Cleanup of issue board
    • We need to make sure that debugging does not become to cumbersome.
    • Design by contract should be used internally to avoid mistakes.
    • Should be enforced using assertions.
    • How and where this will be used still needs to be figured out.