Meeting 2023-04-07 Frontend

Protocolled by: Paul


  • Giancarlo
  • Paul
  • Samuel
  • Moritz
  • Thorben
  • (everyone on the mailing list is welcomed)

Previous Tasks

  • Moritz: review
  • Paul: translation
  • Samuel: typewriter
  • Thorben: colors


  • 09:00 Start
  • SVG (Tomato)
    • check: svg on Konva
    • Tomato_vector_transparent_background.kra
  • i18n (German/English) -> we use react i18next with static keys
  • common components
    • document in storybook
  • tailwind configuration
  • mockup
    • no description for layer buttons
    • drag and drop for reordering the layers
    • arrow for collapsing group
    • add vertical dropdown for deleting
  • landing page
  • layers/sidebar prototype
  • timeline mockups
  • drawing layer
  • seed entry current status

Meeting Notes

  • translation
    • it is hard to remember to keep the file structure in the language the same as the features:
      • maybe colocate the json to the component -> hard to implement
    • language switcher as a dropdown
  • landing page
    • logo and slogan should use the same colors
    • legal issue, should the map be loaded immediatly
    • clicking on the radio button is hard -> click on the whole row to select
    • the slogan grows to both the left and the right -> Make it left aligned with fixed width layers/sidebar prototype
    • transparency slider is not html 5 but from scratch -> look into usability
    • the seperator between the layers and groups/search should also be draggable/resizable
    • tooltips for the eye symbol and enable checkbox instead of labels
    • for alternatives, a caret to expand
    • buttons on the top right would be too small for touchscreens
    • four groups should be hidden if search is pressed
  • timeline mockups
    • should custom events be in the timeline as a separate view -> no, only addition and removal
    • only visualize changes that actually happen on the map, addition/removal by the user
    • is this too complex to implelement -> look for existing solutions
    • simplifications we discussed
      • do not show individual events (color or number should indicate the amount of change)
      • only three steps of granularity, maybe even with a button group
  • drawing layer
    • how are we structuring the layer code -> each layer should live under a layers folder in map_planning
    • shared features like plat_search should have their own feature folder
  • seed entry current status
    • edit and removal of seeds

Next step

  • moritz: seed finished, check ready-made solutions for timeline? create timeline decision
  • Giancarlo: seed overview (edit, delete, ...), code structure documentation
  • Paul: seed fix, i18n
  • Samuel: typewriter, toolbar improvements, pricing selection (add to email body)
  • Thorben: leaf picture color, blue color consistency, imprint, pricing