Meeting 2023-06-20

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 16.6.2023:

  • Create a PR that improves error handling (or adds assertions)
  • Get current use case (UC) done
  • Break "Talk to buddy" and "Submissions"
  • Push at least a short Changelog to the branch meeting_notes/20.06.2023
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in main repo or submissions
  • Read already-merged architecture available as mdbook, see main
  • Nextcloud testing and report to #422

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 16.6.2023:

  • Felix: cargo faster, make doc, (mdbook deployment, pre-commit, emails)
  • Gabriel: API+DB for plants (Tuesday), UC auth, UC map search, Plant layer: relations (API)
  • Christoph: documentation regarding PermaplanT setup, import of relations (in scraper), review DB
  • Samuel: NC images: proxy&error handling, NC file picker, NC decision, (landing page: (1) 2x chat msg, (2) chat window (3) gallery)
  • Moritz: UC plant search, UC base layer with fixed scale in frontend with NC images, seed/map search in frontend
  • Lukas: documentation of infrastructure
  • Thorben: map loading map.tsx, API+DB for plants+maps docu, UC map creation done, (membership application)
  • Paul: UC plant layer, time line UC
  • Markus: end-user docu


  • Thorben
  • Christoph (Protokoll done)
  • Samuel (Protokoll done)
  • Gabriel (Protokoll done)
  • Moritz (Protokoll done)
  • Paul
  • Lukas
  • Markus
  • Yvonne

Did not attend

  • Felix
  • Giancarlo


  • Lukas & Felix & Christoph
  • Giancarlo & Moritz
  • Gabriel & Thorben
  • Samuel & Paul


  • 09:00 welcome
  • protokoll: Thorben
  • welcome game: meeting, most annoying in UI?
  • UI:
    • plants are all round
  • dev:
    • package-lock.json workflow
    • documentation first
    • several (UI) fixes in one PR
    • best time for reviews
    • npm version v19.4.0 #395
    • increment version numbers #164
  • architecture:
    • no submit buttons -> debounce
    • no 32 bit for increasing tables
    • uuid for maps
  • focus meeting: DB/API Thursday 15; Thursday 9:30
  • sprint plan
  • outlook


Please push progress important changes devs should know, e.g. decisions, in items with syntax - change _(Your Name)_ below:

  • Moritz
    • Plant Layer is ready to be Merged
    • Helped Samuel Factor out Nextcloud image loading from base layer
  • Thorben
    • Location picker in map creation only loads on button press. User can enter geo data manually without location picker.
    • Map overview page navigates to map editor.
  • Paul
    • Available seasonal seed suggestions.
    • Placement of plants.
  • Gabriel
    • Plantings + Plants Layer API (without heatmap)

Outlook: Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 23.6.2023:

  • Get current use cases (UC) done
  • Talk to buddy about UI improvements
  • Submissions: abstract (4 sentences: context, problem, method, results) & conclusion
  • Push at least a short Changelog to the branch meeting_notes/27.06.2023
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in main repo or submissions
  • Read architecture part IV available as mdbook, see main
  • add photos from meeting to Nextcloud Photos/20230618_Live_meeting

Outlook: Individual Tasks

  • use layer IDs
  • preview eher nicht
  • icons ein/ausblenden
  • layers ordnen
  • touch screen: on-click
  • text weg
  • on-hover
  • "planting" box besser high-lighten
  • redraw

To be done until Friday 23.6.2023:

  • Lukas: documentation of infrastructure, nextcloud fix, review felix, Keycloak SMTP (password reset)

  • Felix: cargo faster, make doc, (mdbook deployment, pre-commit, emails)

  • Gabriel: API+DB for plants finish, UC map search, Plant layer: relations (API), heat map, map polygon

  • Christoph: review DB, documentation regarding PermaplanT setup, import of relations (in scraper), import von sizes

  • Samuel: keybindings, NC file picker, NC decision, NC hierarchy, bug fixes pair programming, UI fixes mit Paul

  • Paul: UC plant layer, time line UC

  • Moritz: UC plant search, UC base layer with fixed scale in frontend with NC images, seed/map search in frontend

  • Thorben: UC map creation done, (membership application)

  • Markus: end-user docu

Meeting Notes

  • Recap of first in person meeting

  • Usability improvements for first beta/usability test:

    • hide unused toolbar icons

    • round icons for plants (SVG over raster image)

    • change order of layers in list (#478)

    • show all editable plant attributes (#476)

    • format of english/german name of plants in search

    • show preview of plant and relations while placing (icon moves with cursor on canvas and connecting lines are shown)

    • Toast messages show success but errors more rarely

    • Typical editor keybindings

    • touch screen improvements

    • title attributes on toolbar icons

    • highlight plant placement mode with color

  • Plants areas as one entity on canvas

  • Scaling vs area of plants

  • Potential low performance of SSE with many users

  • Sprint plan:


    • Maps connected to owning user through authentication token

    • Plant API reworked and uses layer id instead of map id

    • fixed a rounding error in planting coordinates while moving

    Next Steps:

    • Complete fix for CORS issues

    • Keycloak mailing

    • Documentation of infrastructure (variables, services, timeoutes)

    • Complete plant/map search

    • Implement relations and fill with curated data

    • API for plant heatmap

    • Reduce DB model to only used columns

    • Automatic NC directories for maps and layers

    • Improve UI and app usability

    • Complete base layer

    • Map edit/duplicate

    • Implement Blossoms

  • Only push package-lock.json on deliberate package updates/additions

  • Increment version number on deliberate changes of package-lock.json

  • Edit fields should push changes seamlessly with debounce instead of submit button