Meeting 14.10.2024
- Markus
- Lukas (Protocol done)
- Jannis (Protocol done)
- Stefanie
- Filip
Wasn't there:
- Andrei
- Christoph
- Stefanie & Christoph & Andrei
- Jannis & Lukas
- 09:00 start
- protocol: Filip/Stef
- current status (where stuck, where is help needed)
- keycloak documentation
- occupied space debugging
- standard maps done, feedback?
- Iterations until Thursday done
- licensing:
- probably AGPL, see LICENSE
- REUSE.toml
- too large images, Stef
- release
- (Filip disconnect, Stef continues)
- (Lukas 9:50 disconnect)
- Jannis Korrektheit von SSE updates
- use case updates
- result of areas over areas (Jannis)
- brushing layer architecture (enum?)
- Task Board
- 11:00 finish
- units for forms
- documentation:
- guidelines
- architecture
- tutorials
- working with MRs:
- do reviews every iteration
- check if all threads are resolved
- GitLab submitting MRs problem
Tasks for Everyone
To be done until Thursday 17.10.2024:
- approve requested MRs, including meeting MR
- create/update issues for yourself and assign to next iteration
Do as needed:
- request reviews
- buddy writing (Schreibtreffen)
- submit a page of text in submissions
- get MRs done
Individual Tasks
To be done until Thursday 17.10.2024:
- Filip: do experiment (Tuesday)
- Stefanie: RQs, methods, last estimations
- Lukas: heatmap
- Jannis: complete last issues+MRs(collaboration)
Not here:
- Andrei: RQs, categorize and improve issues, collaboration
- Christoph: RQs, continue hierarchy proposals
Meeting Notes
Occupied space debugging: bug in CI that it runs through, despite failing migrations.
Status update, who is blocked by what?
- Stefanie: what topic to choose for thesis for performance improvements
- Filip: load testing, blocked now by large download of landing page pictures
- Lukas: migration failing on MR-1514
Map of plants, drawings, shadings on 1ha finished. Plants should have "removed-at" date on test map. (To be fixed by Jannis in backend.)
Make pictures smaller on landing page for Filip's load test.
Not all images loaded in landing page. Cache error? To be investigated after Stephanie resized images.
Open: Fix Master pipeline (rust)
Overlapping shade layers: should maybe be fixed in the backend, would need a new actions and frontend updates OR make the shadings not transparent, but only the layer as a whole.