Meeting 2023-10-09


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Daniel (protocol done)
  • Adi (protocol done)
  • Moritz (protocol done)
  • Christoph N.
  • Chris K.
  • Felix

Cannot attend:

  • Jannis


  • Moritz & Chris
  • Adi & Felix
  • Jannis & Christoph
  • Daniel & Jannis (Milestone)
  • Moritz & Adi (Locators)


  • 09:00 welcome
  • case study
  • Protocol: Christoph N.
  • Buddy coding/writing sessions?
  • I added unterlagen/ for you
  • planning:
    • How to write a milestone plan: Granularity, Realism
    • also plan for unexpected: helping others, urgent tasks (broken master etc.)
    • weekly tasks should be detailed
    • important: regular submissions, stay on track
    • submissions: always create PRs, close them soon
  • architecture, decisions
  • Priorities:
    1. urgent/release critical tasks
    2. get PRs merged
    3. finish UC
    4. start new tasks/UC
  • 3.4 release, finalize seed use case:
    • fix plant search
    • release
    • refactor
  • sprint plan
  • outlook

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 13.10.2023:

  • Read unterlagen/ and submit a (short) text
  • buddy talk: case study
  • Get current issues, PRs and use cases (UC) done
  • Create/update issues/tests (behavior driven) as needed for future tasks
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do reviews of PRs in main repo and submissions

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 13.10.2023:

  • Felix: Modul Dokumentation, Fehler, Schnittstellenbeschreibung mit Fehler, Shutdown&Watchdog Beschreibung/Drop, issues für sonstige Probleme
  • Moritz: additional name fix, seeds search, seed UC done, refactoring, issue seeds on the map
  • Daniel: create issues (backend, sql query), keybinding+notes decisions/concept, impl notes?
  • Christoph: UC merge, usability guidelines, PR seed search?, submission repo
  • Adi: help fix master, release, (E2E seeds/concurrency tests, locator guidelines)
  • Chris: scraper fertig, plants hierarchy+relations
  • Jannis: milestone plan, Dockerfile neues Rust, 2 first PermaplanT issues

Meeting Notes

  • Typical erros when writing the thesis are summarized in unterlagen/


  • should be different from the weekly plan
  • cornerstones should be listed like results and methods
  • consider a buffer due to occurences of unexpected problems
  • less milestones preferable
  • adi's experience: biggest effort was in the beginning finding the RQs and in the end revising the whole thesis
  • most important thing is to regularly be busy with the thesis and implementation
  • closing PRs is always very important
  • creating new leftovers from existing PRs (instead of squeezing it in) helps to finish existing PRs

Architecture and Decisions

  • important to identify the main components of an application/system and differentiate from details like interfaces
  • decisions regarding architecture are essential
  • solutions and guidelines is something which needs constant adaptations


  • Release critical issues and PRs have highest priority
  • General guideline is to first finish things instead of opening new stuff

Current issues

Frontend Restructuring

  • try to move svg's into src/icons folder and see how it goes
  • in case there is a location problem with e.g. the favicon, it is okay to have single icons in the public folder
  • (markus + yvonne) discuss and find a solution on how to best present and potentially combine the plant- and seed-search
  • seeds have no physical size, can be a literal seed but also a full plant; seeds simply resemble the genetical material of a plant