use diesel::AsChangeset;
use diesel::{Identifiable, Insertable, Queryable};
use uuid::Uuid;
use crate::schema::base_layer_images;
/// The `BaseLayerImages` entity.
#[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Insertable, AsChangeset)]
#[diesel(table_name = base_layer_images)]
pub struct BaseLayerImages {
/// The id of the image.
pub id: Uuid,
/// The path to the image on Nextcloud.
pub path: String,
/// The rotation in degrees (0-360) of the image on the map.
pub rotation: f32,
/// The scale of the image on the map.
pub scale: f32,
/// The layer the image is on.
pub layer_id: Uuid,
/// The x offset from the center of the map.
pub x: i32,
/// The y offset from the center of the map.
pub y: i32,