1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116
extern crate proc_macro;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::ToTokens;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, AttributeArgs, ItemFn};
use crate::expand::HasPermissions;
mod expand;
const HAS_AUTHORITIES: &str = "has_permissions";
const HAS_ANY_AUTHORITY: &str = "has_any_permission";
const HAS_ROLES: &str = "has_roles";
const HAS_ANY_ROLE: &str = "has_any_role";
/// Macro to сheck that the user has all the specified permissions.
/// Allow to add a conditional restriction based on handlers parameters.
/// Add the `secure` attribute followed by the the boolean expression to validate based on parameters
/// Also you can use you own types instead of Strings, just add `type` attribute with path to type
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use actix_web_grants::proc_macro::has_permissions;
/// use actix_web::HttpResponse;
/// // User should be ADMIN with OP_GET_SECRET permission
/// #[has_permissions["ROLE_ADMIN", "OP_GET_SECRET"]]
/// async fn macro_secured() -> HttpResponse {
/// HttpResponse::Ok().body("some secured info")
/// }
/// // User should be ADMIN with OP_GET_SECRET permission and the user.id param should be equal
/// // to the path parameter {user_id}
/// struct User {id: i32}
/// #[has_permissions["ROLE_ADMIN", "OP_GET_SECRET", secure="user_id.into_inner() == user.id"]]
/// async fn macro_secured_params(user_id: web::Path<i32>, user: web::Data<User>) -> HttpResponse {
/// HttpResponse::Ok().body("some secured info with user_id path equal to user.id")
/// // User must have MyPermissionEnum::OP_GET_SECRET (you own enum example)
/// #[has_permissions["OP_GET_SECRET", type = "MyPermissionEnum"]]
/// async fn macro_enum_secured() -> HttpResponse {
/// HttpResponse::Ok().body("some secured info")
/// }
pub fn has_permissions(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
check_permissions(HAS_AUTHORITIES, args, input)
/// Macro to сheck that the user has any of the specified permissions.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use actix_web_grants::proc_macro::has_any_permission;
/// use actix_web::HttpResponse;
/// // User should be ADMIN or MANAGER
/// #[has_any_permission["ROLE_ADMIN", "ROLE_MANAGER"]]
/// async fn macro_secured() -> HttpResponse {
/// HttpResponse::Ok().body("some secured info")
/// }
/// ```
pub fn has_any_permission(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
check_permissions(HAS_ANY_AUTHORITY, args, input)
/// Macro to сheck that the user has all the specified roles.
/// Role - is permission with prefix "ROLE_".
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use actix_web_grants::proc_macro::has_roles;
/// use actix_web::HttpResponse;
/// // User should be ADMIN and MANAGER
/// #[has_roles["ADMIN", "MANAGER"]]
/// async fn macro_secured() -> HttpResponse {
/// HttpResponse::Ok().body("some secured info")
/// }
/// ```
pub fn has_roles(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
check_permissions(HAS_ROLES, args, input)
/// Macro to сheck that the user has any the specified roles.
/// Role - is permission with prefix "ROLE_".
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use actix_web_grants::proc_macro::has_any_role;
/// use actix_web::HttpResponse;
/// // User should be ADMIN or MANAGER
/// #[has_any_role["ADMIN", "MANAGER"]]
/// async fn macro_secured() -> HttpResponse {
/// HttpResponse::Ok().body("some secured info")
/// }
/// ```
pub fn has_any_role(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
check_permissions(HAS_ANY_ROLE, args, input)
fn check_permissions(check_fn_name: &str, args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let args = parse_macro_input!(args as AttributeArgs);
let func = parse_macro_input!(input as ItemFn);
match HasPermissions::new(check_fn_name, args, func) {
Ok(has_permissions) => has_permissions.into_token_stream().into(),
Err(err) => err.to_compile_error().into(),