Meeting 2023-05-30

Protocolled by: Gabriel


  • Gabriel (Protokoll)
  • Moritz (Protokoll done)
  • Paul
  • Felix
  • Thorben
  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Samuel (later)

Not here:

  • Giancarlo

Cannot attend:

  • Lukas


  • Giancarlo & Moritz
  • Lukas & Felix
  • Gabriel & Thorben
  • Samuel & Paul

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until 26.5.2023 (except of reviews):

  • Get your use case (UC) done

  • Self-register in keycloak (

  • Talk to buddies: Talk about what you would like to read in Changelogs

  • Push at least a very short Changelog to the branch meeting_notes/30.05.2023

  • Update sprint plan

  • Create PR in submissions with the introduction of your thesis

  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs

  • Review 2 other thesis (in submission) by writing at least following 3 points:

    1. shortly say what you think that the author wanted to say
    2. which sentence was the most difficult one to read
    3. which are the (main) terms and are they used consistently

Individual Tasks

To be done until 26.5.2023:

  • Samuel: UC auth, state refactoring, NC photos, components documentation

  • Paul: UC timeline, offline architecture/decisions

  • Thorben: UC map creation, map properties, membership application

  • Moritz: UC base layer with fixed scale

  • Gabriel: UC map search, API for plants, decision, (log)

  • Felix: pre-commit, priority, (emails)

  • Giancarlo: UC plants, copy&paste, drawing layer integrate, seeds edit&delete (nur CI fixen), plants layer drag&drop (offen)

  • Lukas: auth ansible, (cargo)

  • Yvonne: Plant Relations

  • Markus: Nextcloud migration


  • 09:00 welcome
  • protocol: Gabriel
  • permaculture principles part II
  • Changelogs
  • sprint plan
  • finalize architecture
    • please read
    • strategy: database and state always contains the latest data (server-sent events)
    • observer pattern in backend?
    • calculations done in backend
    • layer implementations separated but with shared implementation
    • low memory consumption: lazy-loading and offloading (only keep used layers in memory)
  • development:
    • please make sure that documentation gets improved in every PR
    • PRs are often a very inefficient way to clarify objectives
    • follow-up issues
    • guidelines
    • If not yet part of master, Changelogs should contain refs to issues, PRs
    • pump npm version (current: v19.4.0 the default npm version is v9.2.0)
    • UI guidelines
  • outlook


Please push progress important changes devs should know, e.g. decisions, in items with syntax - change _(Your Name)_ below:


  • now active, requires either a user on (can be aquired by visiting, clicking login and register) or a local setup of Keycloak (see readme in backend)
  • doc on how to obtain tokens for local development is still missing (e.g. OAuth2 via Postman or curl) #392
  • local swagger doc broken (tracked by #383)


  • introduced webdav library
  • introduced utility functions for fetching and uploading images to Nextcloud as well as a webdav test component (webdav-test.tsx) for testing this functionality. It is currently available at /webdav
  • disable CORS in your browser for Nextcloud feature development: e.g. google-chrome --disable-web-security or chromium --disable-web-security This is needed to allow requests which are not under the some origin. More info about Nextcloud setup in /doc/setups/nextcloud/

map state management:

The state is now split in two parts namely tracked and untracked map store. More info about the state management of layers in the map editor is available in /doc/architecture/


  • finish last decisions
    • RSS and email libs found
  • use cases improved


To be done until 2.6.2023:

  • Vote for date
  • Get your use case (UC) done
  • Talk to buddy: permaculture principles
  • update for last month
  • add related work/introduction for your thesis in submissions
  • Push at least a very short Changelog to the branch meeting_notes/7.6.2023
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs

Individual Tasks

To be done until 2.6.2023:

  • Moritz: UC base layer with fixed scale in frontend, with NC images, plant/seed/(map) search, UC plant search
  • Samuel: NC photos: for maps+base layer, components documentation, NC strukturen (circles, gruppen), landing page: (1) 2x chat msg, (2) chat window (3) gallery
  • Paul: tracer bullet architektur, offline architecture/decisions, SSE offline?
  • Thorben: UC map creation, maps+layer API, membership application: user in our DB
  • Gabriel: API for plants, UC auth, (UC map search, decision, log), API plant/base layer
  • Felix: pre-commit, priority, emails
  • Giancarlo: UC plants, copy&paste, drawing layer integrate, seeds edit&delete (nur CI fixen), plants layer drag&drop (offen)
  • Lukas: auth ansible, (cargo)
  • Yvonne: Plant Relations
  • Markus: API

Meeting Notes


  • Talk with buddy about how to integrate 'Observe and interact' and 'Apply self-regulation and acept feedback' in thesis
  • more documentation, write where problems are (Are they in implementation, decision or use-case?)


  • fetch images from Nextcloud with Webdav (Samuel)
  • undo/redo via SSE (Paul)
  • unique constraint af map name (Thorben)
  • layer impl in frontend (Moritz)
  • auth (Samuel, Gabriel)
  • more integration tests (Gabriel)
  • mail client/rss generator decision (Gabriel)
  • plants full-text search (WIP; Gabriel)
  • architecture doc (WIP; Markus)