Meeting 02.04.2024

next meeting 8.4.2024 9:00


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Daniel (protocol done)
  • Christoph (protocol done)
  • Moritz (protocol done)
  • Lukas
  • Andrei (Scrum Master)
  • Filip

Could not come:

  • Jannis (protocol done)


  • Daniel & Andrei
  • Moritz & Christoph
  • Jannis & Lukas


  • 09:00 start
  • welcome Filip (CI)
  • protocol: Lukas
  • GitLab Tuwien migration
  • upcoming next release (Filip+Adi)
  • content:
    • drawing layer names (several ones):
  • scrum with Andrei:
    • issues
    • reviews -> later
    • (manual) e2e tests -> later Christoph+Filip
  • last sprint before release
  • create issues:
    • rework notification system (Jannis+Andrei)
    • Jannis: raw SQL
  • TISS texts second round later
  • sprint plan

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 05.04.2024:

  • buddy talk: dev setup+docu
  • GitLab Tuwien migration: do a login via SSO on
  • approve meeting PR #1233
  • request and approve for requested reviews requested reviews
  • do/update sprint plan

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 05.04.2024:

  • Filip: first issue: deploy docu, test migrations
  • Andrei: create issues, write about dates for scrum meeting
  • Daniel: finish timeline, meeting refactor layers
  • Jannis: creation times reviews missing, tutorial for layer creation (creation/update metadata + what interface should any layer have), review DB Doku from Christoph, notification profilen, TISS Text
  • Moritz: investigate how many layers?, group vs. layer new PR, meeting refactoring
  • Christoph: TISS Text, SQL heatmap benchmark, how to add column in tables, hierarchy, documentation decision update
  • Lukas: review PRs, fix first issue (assigned)
  • Yvonne: find manually inserted data in CSV

Meeting Notes

Filip maybe does not need to attend the meeting every week. This is to be decided on with him.

The repository will be migrated to the TU Wien Gitlab, which is unfortunately private, and later maybe to a self hosted instance which then also can be public.

The release should be done soon it is already overdue. Filip should be a part of it to get a first insight in the procedure.

Andrei will be starting creating issues from this meeting and from use cases.

The reviewing of PRs will be staying the same for another week before a new process is established. I.e. please review other PRs by yourself and invite buddies and others to review PRs.

To be able to add other layers backend migration needs to be done once the frontend supports it.

The bug that causes the timeline not to be selected in the centered element after resizing the y-axis on the map page is not release critical but would be nice-to have, also to complete the whole timeline use case.

The heatmap can not be merged to master yet because it is semantically incorrect but the refactoring can more easily be done after merging the heatmap into master.

Some PRs grew too big in the past which came from bad issue management and problems in communication (e.g. not talking about blockers!). Issues need to be broken down so small to be solvable in one week.

Investigation should be done by Moritz to find out what should stay as layer and what should become a group.

A separate meeting will be held to discuss:

  • crop rotation implementations and research (with Lukas), and
  • new development processes (with Andrei).