Meeting 2023-08-22

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 18.8.2023:

  • Get current use cases (UC) done
  • Update submission repo to be like described in submissions' using PRs for reviewable parts (push moving of files etc.)
  • Update doc/ and avatar in NC nextcloud/Public/Avatars/
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do reviews of PRs in main repo and submissions

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 18.8.2023:

  • Jannis: opensesame read from chat
  • Felix: opensesame get it running & case study
  • Adi: (starting with project) NC config, E2E coding guidelines, finish Makefile, create/cleanup/prior CI issues
  • Moritz: UC done (grid), seeds UC done, (polygon, base layer, shade)
  • Chris: plants hierarchy+overrides, (security/keycloak roles)
  • Christoph: fix various small usability issues, copy&paste UC
  • Samuel: (share) base layer, cleanup issues/PRs
  • Thorben: final submission thesis, UC done, NC folder with user study data
  • Paul: final submission thesis, read-only offline PR


  • Adi (Protocol done)
  • Moritz
  • Christoph K. (Chris)
  • Christoph N.
  • Jannis
  • Markus
  • Yvonne


  • Moritz & Chris
  • Jannis & Christoph
  • Adi & Felix



  • 09:00 welcome
  • buddy talk
  • Protocol: Moritz
  • Paul, Thorben, Samuel and Adi finished their thesis!
  • English text:
    • moodchanger
    • FLOSS
    • introduce terms (italics)
    • project<->initiative
    • Chapter~X
    • do more reviews, that way you learn much more ways to express yourself
  • outlook is commitment every week:
    • your promise to be done
    • must be clear to us both
    • so that you don't delay your finish
    • about 8 reviews
    • daily pushes/issues/...
  • opensesame:
    • deb from build server
    • async refactor
  • more testing:
    • scenarios in Gherkin
    • start with writing scenarios
    • integration tests (using, e.g. writing a debounce test
    • snap should test whole layers+pages (not individual components)
    • E2E tests
  • Release:
    • ready to merge
    • rc-blocker issues
    • release will be done by Adi
  • guidelines:
    • use tailwind CSS linter (extension)
    • only use toasts for errors
  • sprint plan
  • outlook

Outlook: Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 25.8.2023:

  • Please vote in
  • Buddy talk: Talk about your research questions
  • Create a PR with tests
  • Get current use cases (UC) done
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do reviews of PRs in main repo and submissions

Outlook: Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 25.8.2023:

  • Jannis: refactor framework, opensesame read from chat, issue erstellen setup
  • Felix: opensesame get it running & case study
  • Chris: scaper fertig, plants hierarchy+relations
  • Moritz: selection, seeds UC done, polygon, page test, UC done (grid)
  • Adi: (starting with project) E2E coding guidelines, finish Makefile, Lukas Agenda
  • Lukas: NC (config), mdbook deployment
  • Christoph: fix various small usability issues, copy&paste UC

Meeting Notes

Four team members finished their thesis.

Topic for buddies this week: research questions. Common mistakes in English text: mood changers: "on the other hand" is only used in whole phrases i.e. "on the one hand -> on the other hand". Use "But", "However" or paragraphs to indicate mood changes.

Open Source and Free Software is not quite the same:

  • Free Software has its focus on free as-in-speech software+development (see FSF/Richard Stallman).
  • Open-Source Software has its focus on practical utility and advantages of free licenses in software+development (see OSI).
  • FLOSS, which contains both Free Software and Open-Source Software in its name, is the preferred term in scientific texts.

Shorthands: spell out the first time it is used e.g.: Free Software Foundation (FSF).

Project/Initiative: Project has a deadline, Initiatives do not.

"Figure~X" is always spelled with an Initial capital letter when it used for referencing a specific figure "X".