Use Case: Infrastructure Layer


  • Scope: Infrastructure Layer
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors: App User
  • Brief: The user can add, edit, move and delete infrastructure elements in their plan.
  • Assignee: Daniel


  • Precondition: The user has opened the app and has selected the infrastructure layer.
  • Main success scenario: The user successfully adds, edits, moves and deletes infrastructure elements in the infrastructure layer. Infrastructure elements are, e.g.:
    • taps
    • wifi spots
    • water storage tanks
    • irrigation systems For placement:
    • positioning the elements in the appropriate locations
    • adjusting their properties as needed.
  • Alternative scenario:
    • The user accidentally edits, moves or removes an element and uses undo to correct the mistake.
    • The user accidentally adds an element and deletes it with the "delete" or "undo" functionality.
    • The map is in read-only state, then the user cannot add, edit, move or remove anything.
  • Error scenario: The user attempts to add, move or edit an infrastructure element but the app is experiencing technical difficulties and is unable to complete the request, displaying an error message.
  • Postcondition: The user's map includes the added, edited, moved or deleted infrastructure elements as desired.
  • Non-functional Constraints:
    • Is an additional layer
    • Performance: more than 500 elements per year should be usable without noticeable delays and acceptable memory overhead