Meeting 2023-06-06

Protocolled by: Samuel


  • Christoph
  • Samuel (Protokoll)
  • Gabriel (Protokoll done)
  • Moritz (Protokoll done)
  • Paul
  • Felix
  • Thorben
  • Lukas
  • Markus
  • Yvonne

Nicht da:

  • Giancarlo


  • Lukas & Felix & Christoph
  • Giancarlo & Moritz
  • Gabriel & Thorben
  • Samuel & Paul

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until 2.6.2023:

  • Vote for date
  • Get at least one use case (UC) done
  • Talk to buddy: permaculture principles
  • update for last month (June)
  • add related work/introduction for your thesis in submissions
  • Push at least a short Changelog to the branch meeting_notes/06.06.2023 (new syntax, see below)
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in main repo or submissions
  • Read architecture (already merged) available as mdbook, see main Part I

Individual Tasks

To be done until 2.6.2023, ordered by priority:

  • Moritz: finish UC plant search, UC base layer with fixed scale in frontend with NC images, seed/(map) search in frontend
  • Samuel: NC photos: for maps+base layer, components documentation, NC strukturen (circles, gruppen), landing page: (1) 2x chat msg, (2) chat window (3) gallery
  • Paul: tracer bullet architektur, offline architecture/decisions, SEE offline? etc.
  • Thorben: UC map creation, maps+layer API, membership application: user in our DB
  • Gabriel: API for plants, UC auth, (UC map search, decision, log), API plant/base layer
  • Felix: pre-commit, priority, emails
  • Giancarlo: UC plants, copy&paste, drawing layer integrate, seeds edit&delete (nur CI fixen), plants layer drag&drop (offen)
  • Lukas: Nextcloud, auth ansible, (cargo


  • 09:00 welcome
  • welcome Christoph (DB, Nextcloud, Security)
  • permaculture principles part III
  • protocol: Samuel
    • tutor
    • issues
  • issues which are handled by students in the next semester (should be simple and concise)
  • excellent specification is valued as almost done
  • good first issue label (will be renamed to FLOSS)
  • break
  • coordination
    • responsibility to implement use cases fully (or ask if you think implementation needs intermediate steps)
    • pulling in of libs (zod): write about it in decisions or in solution
  • problems with typeshare: no validation -> zod as validation library to solve this
  • no error when types are mismatching
  • write a few sentences in solutions for the use cases of zod
  • grading:
    • 10, 20, 70
    • 10: thesis is smallest task but has to be done
    • 20: review and help the team
    • 70: implementation / individual work for the project
    • quality before quantity
    • important and urgent tasks
    • self-written/initial use cases/goals are not important
  • use cases update

try the best to finish the thesis until end of june, in the worst case it can take a little longer

  • DB layout
    • if (and when) it was fully done no responsible person until now -> Christophs topic now
  • 18.6. live meeting
  • open questions
    • icons
    • avoiding float: roundig? could lead to visual glitches. We would prefer integers
    • state: year->objects idea: group objects acording to visible and invisible and return both from the api. the visibility is calculated using the start_date and end_date of the elements. same calculation happens when the timeline is used in the frontend
  • Changelogs
  • sprint plan
  • outlook


Please push progress important changes devs should know, e.g. decisions, in items with syntax - change _(Your Name)_ below:

db schemata are merged but might have to be reworked when implementing the gamification use cases

plant search fixes: - no results when clicking search fixed - search was too sensitive - search splits query in substrings and ranks the results given substring matches

new documentation for full text search

use case for full text search should be changed according to current implementation

missing german names: good example of first issue

use priority sorter in jenkins

documentation of architecture

new Nextcloud instance is done


  • Focus Meetings
  • Vote for live meeting
  • Get current use case (UC) done
  • Talk to buddy: live meeting ride sharing
  • Add some text for your thesis in submissions
  • Push at least a short Changelog to the branch meeting_notes/13.06.2023 (new syntax, see below)
  • FLOSS issues
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in main repo or submissions
  • Read architecture (already merged) available as mdbook, see main Part II
  • Nextcloud testing

Next Tasks

  • Felix: emails, cargo, (mdbook deployment, pre-commit)
  • Moritz: UC plant search, UC base layer with fixed scale in frontend with NC images, seed/map search in frontend
  • Gabriel: API+DB for plants, UC auth, UC map search, Plant layer: relations
  • Lukas: keycloak broken, PostGIS, docu infrastructure
  • Thorben: API+DB for plants+maps, UC map creation, membership application
  • Samuel: landing page: (1) 2x chat msg, (2) chat window (3) gallery, components documentation, NC strukturen (circles, gruppen)
  • Christoph: review DB
  • Paul: collaborate, plant UC, (time line UC)
  • Yvonne: Plant Relations
  • Markus: end-user docu

Individual Tasks

Gabriel, Christoph, Thorben and Paul: discuss and implement Pauls proposal for PlantLayer API

Felix: - setup smtp - improve pipeline efficiency Moritz: - finish plant search - finish base layer: - database integration - scale - borders - include heatmap Gabriel: - PlantLayer API - BaseLayerAPI? Thorben: - small fixes in Map creation - finalize DB schema for BaseLayer - finalize DB schema for PlantLayer - continue Membership use case Samuel: - finish Nextcloud utils - split component documentation: - merge part of it - implement Photo Layer - disable pages when not logged in - lock Layers - keybindings Christoph: - review DB - concrete suggestions - read architecture Paul: - Planting Frontend - Collaboration PR - finish Plants Layer use case (without timeline)

Meeting Notes

mdbook on public url some time soon

base layer API: rotation, height + width, image url, borders?, heatmap?, scale?