Frontend API Mocking Tool


We need to select an API mocking tool for our frontend development that allows us to simulate API responses for testing and development purposes.


  • The selected tool should seamlessly integrate with our frontend development environment.


Considered Alternatives

  • MSW (Mock Service Worker): MSW is a popular API mocking tool for react applications. It intercepts requests on network level so that code can be tested the same way it is executed in production. Frontend devs can also use msw for development so that they don't have to wait for the backend to be ready.

  • Nock: Nock is also a very popular alternative for API mocking and according to some developers in forums, it is easier to set up than MSW. MSW, however, seems to be a more React-centric approach and Nock can only be used with Node.js and not in the browser.

  • MirageJS: MirageJS provides pretty similar functionality to MSW, but it is not as widely used.


We have decided to use MSW (Mock Service Worker) as our API mocking tool for frontend development.


All the considered alternatives are powerful tools for API mocking, but MSW is widely used by the community and has a lot of documentation and tutorials available.

Some key advantages of using MSW for API mocking include:

  • Request Interception and Mocking: MSW provides a powerful request interception and mocking system, allowing us to simulate various API scenarios, including different response codes, payloads, and latency.
  • Active Community and Documentation: MSW has a thriving community and comprehensive documentation, which will aid our team in quickly learning and effectively using the tool.


  • Our development team will need to become familiar with MSW's usage and configuration to effectively use it for API mocking.
  • Integration of MSW into our existing development tools and pipelines will be necessary.
