Meeting 2023-04-04

Protocolled by: Nursultan


  • Samuel (Best PermaplanT Companion KW14)
  • Benjamin (Best PermaplanT Companion KW13)
  • Nursultan (Best PermaplanT Companion KW12)
  • Paul
  • Gabriel
  • Moritz
  • Lukas
  • Ramzan
  • Thorben
  • Markus
  • Yvonne

Could not come:

  • Giancarlo (Best PermaplanT Companion KW11)


  • Giancarlo & Moritz
  • Lukas & Gabriel
  • Samuel & Nursultan
  • Ramzan & Thorben
  • Benjamin & Paul

Tasks for Everyone

To be done within this week KW13 (31.03.2023):

  • Finalize use cases
  • Read all decisions, progress report which ones you agree
  • Start decisions #2
  • Write Forschungstagebuch in submissions repo (longer progress report)
  • Add at least one question and a very short progress report, relevant for others (e.g. common components, decisions, ...), in agenda (push to branch meeting_notes/04.04.2023)
  • Speak to your Buddy about decisions
  • Update Project
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW14
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week (main repo and submissions)
  • Screen PermaplanT for the benefit that you personally want to achieve for your case study. Check, if your needs are met.
  • Thesis: write methodology

Individual Tasks

To be done within this week KW13 (31.03.2023):

  • Yvonne: Logo, Drawings, Testing Seed entries
  • Markus: landing page
  • Benjamin: plants relationship table finalized, use cases,  squash migration
  • Gabriel: ORM implement, mdBook (with deployment), end points
  • Giancarlo: Sidebar Mockup, Implement drawing layer, Konva features, Improve Landing Page (add news)
  • Lukas: Frontend, Release Deployment, Import Seeds
  • Moritz: Seed Issues, Timeline
  • Nursultan: scraping, decisions, architecture, thesis study+architecture
  • Paul: translation for frontend, Documentation Frontend
  • Ramzan: use cases, Database Guidelines, SQL code examples Feasability, 1. QGis, 2. Projizieren, 3. Rastering
  • Samuel: Readd Map&Gallery, Login Decision, UI for plant use case (right toolbar), use cases
  • Thorben: use cases, DB/ER Diagram, Mockups


  • 09:00 welcome   - Best PermaplanT Companion KW14: Samuel

  • Questions:   - buddy talk: decisions   - Interesting decisions?   - How many PRs did you review?

  • Galgenmännchen

  • Project: Planning for next iteration

  • Responsibility on finishing own tasks and telling me if you cannot do it in time (TISS)

  • Terminology:   - FLOSS   - project vs. initiative   - enumerate/itemize (consistent style!)

  • technicalities:   - weekly merge PRs in submissions yourself (and create new ones)   - adding preliminary pdfs for reviews can be useful (if you want comments on the pdf)   - create new PRs for new content (both submissions+main repository)   - images in nextcloud   - please don't start discussions in (big) PRs

  • Thesis:   - text structure:       - theorems for RQs (restate via restatable etc.)       - short sentences, verb early, use "we"       - capitalization of headers       - everything is understandable when reading from begin to end       - without forward references       - terms explained when used first   - scientific structure:       - observations and opinions clearly separated       - connected with related work

  • outcome of frontend meeting   - document components in storybook   - modern, simple style with some chaotic elements   - we use react i18next with static keys

  • outcome of polyculture meeting   - manual creation of companions with certainty

  • M1 finish remaining tasks

  • M2 assignment   - use cases   - UI components

  • next meetings   - DB   - frontend   - milestone finish?

  • pre-commit now active

    • you need to fix linting errors in files you change
    • you need to manually remove husky hook

Progress Reports

Please push progress reports in items below:

  • Paul: Finished TypeDoc/Storybook setup with newly released Storybook v7. Works way better than v6. I am confident for a PR now.
  • Thorben: Worked out color themes for the frontend together with Samuel and applied them to the UI components.
  • Gabriel: Status Code Bugfix, ORM decision (waiting for response), mdBook (WIP)
  • Benjamin: Meeting on how to gather plant relationship data, Get pre-commit hooks merged


Please push questions in items below:


  • How do we want to persist the selectable elements of the different layers?   One table per layer or one general table with differentiation through an element type property?
  • Participation on other peoples use cases that are not merged: add comment on PR or directly push to it? Or open new PR based on the initial PR's branch?


Please push Progress in decisions, or other important changes devs should know, in items below:


Vote for next focus group meetings until 4.4.2023:

To be done within next week KW14 (7.4.2023):

  • Update doc/ to reflect what you already worked on

  • Add small picture of your head to Nextcloud (for landing page)

  • Test inserting seeds and report here

    • Write decisions #2
    • Read and update PermplanT's glossary
    • Write Forschungstagebuch in submissions repo (longer progress report)
    • Add at least one question and a very short progress report, relevant for others (e.g. common components, decisions, ...), in agenda (push to branch meeting_notes/11.04.2023)
    • Update Project
    • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW15
    • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week (main repo and submissions)
    • Speak to your Buddy about glossary, what is missing, what could be extended?
    • Thesis: write Glossary&Goals (submission)
    • (Optional) Add review/correction/proof-read metadata for every paragraph in thesis, see unterlagen/
    • (Optional) Apply spelling.sed and checks to your thesis (see unterlagen)