Meeting 2023-05-26 Architecture


  • Paul
  • Thorben
  • Moritz
  • Samuel
  • Lukas (Zuhörer)


The main architectural questions are:

  • current state? (layers state+backend)

    • array, actions
  • lock

  • When to submit data to the backend?

  • multi-player?

  • SSE

  • How to send data to the backend?

    • array von actions
  • How to get updates from the changes of other users?

  • Scope of versions, undo/redo

    • tracked/untracked history
  • how separated are layers

  • Collaborative vs. Offline

  • Locking of layers

  • undo/redo

  • removing versions?

  • timeline (createdAt, deletedAt) -> many year span not considered yet

  • actions associated with layer

  • map owner can remove locks

  • without lock offline: read-only state

  • lösung:

    • backend always up-to-date

    • collaborativ: see what others are doing

    • only conflicts in most recent actions

    • undo/redo history gets purged on movement

    • lazy loading of layers (not years)

    • we need reverse actions

    • separated from it then IS-state (not initial)

    • begin, end date different to delete!

    • coordinates: konva coordinate CSS pixel = 1cm

    • objects: x,y,scale,color, shape, ID, rotation

    • per layer API calls

    • plant API calls:

      1. search (text) -> list of plants
      2. plant_info () -> info, list plant_ID of relations, array of 1m raster, maybe picture/heat map
      3. place_plant (plant_ID, pos, date)
    • map versions löschen

    • remember which objects are loaded?

    • elemente in DB store


  • moritz: auth, image, pixels docu
  • paul: lazy loading, state management
  • samuel: NC, state
  • Thorben: remove versioning, map duplication

We would then have to keep track of the undo/redo history for each user on the backend as well. -> we don't do The read-only users should only have the latest version of the data + their local changes in the history. Without keeping track of the undo/redo history on the backend, sending a new version to the backend at a fast pace would clutter it.

Please also read (with my comments):

Meeting Notes

  • Undo/Redo

  • Current plan:

    • base state + actions taken until now
    • synchronize with backend via version creation, backend takes actions and builds new base state
    • proposition: save actions in backend to restore lost sessions
    • could cause synchronization problems with offline functionality
    • implement locks on layers to reduce synchronization conflicts
    • problem: what happens if user loses lock while offline and then comes online again
    • "multiplayer" szenario: every user tracks only their own history
    • how does undo/redo interact with very old changes (e.g. 10 years ago)
    • do not load every data, only when needed (lazy loading)
    • remove local history of one layer if another user made changes on it
  • new plan:

    • directly push changes to backend
    • every layer has its own endpoints
    • history holds undo actions
  • Frontend map store

    • tracked and untracked states
    • tracked: affected by undo/redo
    • untracked: configurations (e.g. layer opacity)
    • layer independent store => to be used by all layers
  • Backend interaction with offline use case

    • lock backend writes on map when going offline
    • offline capability as a grantable permission for collaboration
    • map owner should be able to revoke write lock in case of an abuse of offline mode
    • as a first step no write lock, instead read only when offline
  • Save creation and disable dates for every element, "deleting" a plant sets it disabled to still be able to view it in the timeline

  • Position of elements will not be saved for the timeline and instead gets overwritten with every coordinate change