Frontend Keyhandling


In the development of PermaplanT, we have identified the need for a robust keybinding system to enhance the developer experience. During research we considered to use some npm packages that provide keybinding functionality.


Our keybinding solution should adhere to the following constraints:

  • Developer-friendly: Developers should get an overview where which key binding is assigned.
  • Ease of Integration: The keybinding system should be straightforward to integrate into different components of the application.
  • UX: Collisions between shortcuts which trigger multiple actions at once should be avoided.



  • Link: react-hotkeys
  • provides a component that receives a keymap and actionhandlers and listens to events if a child of the component is in focus.
  • It seems to be very suitable for encapsulating events
  • however, it doesn't really solve the challenge of focus konva layers
  • and although the library is widely used the last release was 4 years ago.


  • Link: react-hotkeys-hook
  • provides a hook for binding keys in components and also
  • offers scoping abilities.
  • however, integration seems not to be as straightforward as with a custom solution and so it doesn't really solve a problem for us.



  • We already have a custom keybinding hook and currently don't need any of the features provided by the packages.
  • The custom hook gives us more flexibility and is easier to integrate into our components.