Use Case: Add Plant Relationships


  • Scope: Plants Layer
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors: App User
  • Brief: A new plant relationship is added to the system.


  • Precondition:
    • The user has opened the UI to propose a new relationship.
  • Main success scenario:
    • Details about the relationship are provided by the user.
      • The two sides of the relationship can be
        • Specific plants
        • Taxonomic ranks which are not specific plants
      • The type of the relationship can be
        • Companion
        • Antagonist
        • Neutral
      • Notes providing information on the why's and how's.
  • Alternative scenario:
    • The user creates a relationship which is only effective for one or more of her selected maps.
      In this case there is no review process. Map-specific relationships take precedence.
  • Error scenario:
    • The user tries to add a global relationship where another global with identical sides already exits.
      The user is informed about this and can't create the relationship.
    • The user tries to add a map-specific relationship where another map-specific with identical sides already exits.
      The user is informed about this and can't create the relationship.
  • Postcondition:
    • A new relationship between plants is reviewable by other users.
    • A new relationship between plants is considered when suggesting alternatives.
  • Non-functional Constraints: