Meeting 23.11.2024
Next meeting is again on the regular spot 2.12.2024
- Markus
- Andrei (protocol done)
- Christoph
- Johannes
Not here:
- Filip
Cannot come:
- Stefanie (protocol done)
- Jannis (protocol done)
- Stefanie & Christoph
- Jannis & Andrei
- Filip & Johannes (Infrastructure)
- Lukas & Jannis (Project)
- 09:00 start
- protocol: Christoph
- Collaboration Uni Graz via Kerstin Kainz
- new Buddy assignment
- welcome round:
- what is holding you back in writing
- what needs to change that you could write something?
- importance of weekly writing submissions:
- to learn writing step by step
- to not fall into blockages
- regular (re)writing recommended by basically every writing book I know
- Rust, Diesel, nodejs update in dev, upgrades !1548
- Rust 1.82:
rustup update
- Diesel:
cargo update && cargo install diesel_cli@2.2.4 --no-default-features --features postgres && cargo install typeshare-cli
- Postgresql: 15
- NodeJS 20.18
- Rust 1.82:
- release:
- landing page fixes pending
- warning for wrong browsers !1506
- nice small MRs
- Licensing cleanup
- REUSE.toml
- planning
- new issues: status:refine,ready,current sprint
- labels: triage needed, estimation needed
- e2e tests: start with UC and where the problems are
- heatmap project: Lukas&Jannis
- Johannes disconnect
- Task Board
- 11:00 finish
To be done until Thursday 28.11.2024 23:59:
- write one page of scientific text (content depending on your progress, but not the length)
- update of rust, diesel, nodejs
- please vote for regular PermaplanT meeting 21/22/23 instead of 18 and 25
- complete your issues or state in the issue any block/alternative
- approve requested MRs, including meeting MR
- create/update issues for yourself and assign to next iteration
Do as needed:
- request reviews
- submit a page of text in submissions
- get MRs done
Meeting Notes
We are collaborating with Uni Graz. Kerstin Kainz will start asking students if they want to join the initiative to improve biological databases from Dezember.
Don't get into too much pressure that you have to present a finished idea when writing text for your thesis. New ideas are formed and clarified during writing and reviewing of text. When you are having trouble to start writing try to set a time for 15 minutes each day where you write using the free flow writing method without the goal (and stress) to finish the text that session. Reviewing the text of others also helps you to improve your own text.
We have a GitLab issue board for issue refinement. Issues which are not clear yet start there and are moved to the regular issue board when they are ready for development. We should use the issue status "triage needed" and "estimation needed" more if applicable, to make clear if an implementation within one week is already feasible.