Contributing to PermaplanT

Getting Started

Before you start anything, please make sure you:

  • skimmed the mdbook (make run-mdbook), especially the chapters listed in "Architecture", including:
    • use cases
    • guidelines
    • decisions
  • also have a look at other documentations:
    • API
    • Storybook (make run-storybook)
  • report all problems you found during getting started, as it is essential that entry barriers get reduced

For any non-trival work, i.e., not only trivial fixes/updates in documentation or tests, there should be an underlying issue. You can create such issues yourself. Before you work on it, make sure the issue is:

Reporting a bug

If you find a bug in the code or a mistake in the documentation, you can help us by submitting an issue to our issue tracker or you can submit a Pull Request with a fix.

If you encounter a bug then please make sure to include the following information:

  • The version of the code you were using.
  • A clear and concise description of the problem.
  • A minimal, self-contained code sample that reproduces the problem (if possible).
  • Information about the environment in which the problem occurs (e.g. operating system, version of Rust, version of Diesel, etc.)



The project uses pre-commit hooks to ensure a consistent style.

  1. Install pre-commit via pip or the package manager of you choice.
  2. If you had husky installed before make sure to remove preexisting hooks. git config --unset core.hooksPath
  3. Run pre-commit install.

Getting MRs merged

Once you created a MR, please request reviews, including also from @markus2330, who will usually also merge.

Please make sure you fulfilled all basics of MRs.

Commit messages should fulfill:

  • The first line in commit messages should be short.
  • From the third line you can have more elaborate descriptions of the changes.
  • Please refer to #issues/!MRs/@mention as useful, including closing your issues.

If requested, and in any case before you start making fundamental changes, create a decision before creating a code MR.

Branch naming

Branch names should follow this schema:

<name>/<issue-number>/<given-branch-name> where

  • name refers to any unique name that you consistently use throughout all your issues, such as your first name, username, or nickname
  • the issue number helps identify the issue
  • the given branch name should describe the changes concisely

E.g. a branch name could be markus/1287/fix-documentation.


We have following pieces of documentation:

  1. General information should be in the mdbook.
  2. For the REST API we use utopia/swagger (in the backend).
  3. For the backend we use cargo doc.
  4. For the frontend we use storybook.


You can find more info on the development process here: