Meeting 11.11.2024
Next meeting is 23.11.2024 09:00-11:00.
- Markus
- Lukas (short for goodbye)
- Stefanie (protocol done)
- Jannis
- Johannes
- Filip
- Yvonne
- Christoph
Cannot come:
- Andrei (protocol done)
- Stefanie & Christoph & Andrei
- Jannis & Lukas
- Filip & Johannes
- 09:00 start
- protocol: Jannis
- please vote for regular PermaplanT meeting 21/22/23 instead of 18 and 25 also other meetings, if needed, are possible there, maybe infrastructure?
- !1552
needed?- DEV entry
- Rust, Diesel, nodejs update in dev, upgrades !1548
- Rust 1.82:
rustup update
- Diesel:
cargo update && cargo install diesel_cli@2.2.4 --no-default-features --features postgres && cargo install typeshare-cli
- Postgresql: 15
- NodeJS 20.18
- Rust 1.82:
- SQL user settings:
- intro tour
- release this week (Johannes):
- landing page fixes
- changelogs master/dev
- Nextcloud Images
- Terms:
- initiative vs. project
- FLOSS vs. free software vs. open source
- sequence in a benchmark:
- precondition: everything working correctly
- observe without interpretations
- find the bottleneck (calculations, interpretations etc. might be needed)
- create issues for potential improvements
- how to get MRs done
- CI should pass (don't let humans check what a machine can do)
- check for all points done (docu, ...)
- invite for reviews (label please review)
- resolve all threads (label please merge)
- Warme dusche: Lukas
- heatmap project: Lukas&Jannis
- Goal: reduce effort for Christoph
- unknown options
- result of areas over areas
- split into several file
- restructure migrations, sql code
- too many arguments fix
- Lukas disconnect
- Filip and Johannes disconnect
- Task Board
- 11:00 finish 11.11 :-)
To be done until Wednesday 20.11.2024 23:59:
- write one page of scientific text (depending on your progress)
- update of rust, diesel, nodejs
- please vote for regular PermaplanT meeting 21/22/23 instead of 18 and 25
- complete your issues or state in the issue any block/alternative
- approve requested MRs, including meeting MR
- create/update issues for yourself and assign to next iteration
Do as needed:
- request reviews
- submit a page of text in submissions
- get MRs done
Meeting Notes
Question to everyone: is .docker folder needed still? => YES; so .docker folder will be kept because 3 people use it.
Diesel in production among other versions will be pinned (same as dev version)
Reset Guided Tour in SQL:
delete from guided_tours where user_id='?';
Word "Project" is used in FLOSS circles very often. Project has a fixed end date, however, so initiative is more correct
Regarding benchmarks:
- Preconditions, prepare: the thing needs to be correct.
- Observe as long as possible, don't jump to conclusion
- Strictly separate Observation from Interpretation/conclusion.
PRs please make sure CI runs through otherwise people give trivial comments like: "fix CI by adding release note". This wastes their time and less useful comments are given.