Meeting 04.11.2024
- Markus
- Andrei (protocol done)
- Lukas (protocol done)
- Stefanie
- Jannis (until 10:00)
- Johannes
- Filip
- Christoph
- Stefanie & Christoph & Andrei
- Jannis & Lukas
- Filip & Johannes
- 09:00 start
- protocol: Stefanie
- thanks for branches and marking Nextcloud accounts
- questions from Johannes
- creation of issues
- pumping versions
- Rust, Diesel, nodejs update in dev, minor upgrades !1548
- Postgresql: 15
- Rust 1.82
- NodeJS 20.18
- heatmap SQL:
- reset DB
- split several file
- restructure migrations, sql code
- halt of CI for demos or benchmarks
- release this week (Johannes):
- landing page fixes
- changelogs master/dev
- roadmap:
- release master
- release dev
- collaboration
- Filip: throughput instead of Resource improvements
- English text:
- cannot immediately reread text (2-3 weeks break)
- usage of "this"
- Gedankenstriche, Hyphen ---
- technical text:
- give names to everything: the approach, the scripts, the method, ...
- scientific text:
- how to cite
- exactly what was done, what your scripts do, not how they could be used
- report also absolute numbers, not only percentages
- benchmarks
- use odd median number, e.g. 11 or 13 test runs
- memory
- !1552
needed?- DEV entry
- Filip and Johannes disconnect
- result of areas over areas
- Task Board
- 11:00 finish
To be done until Thursday 07.11.2024:
- complete your issues or state in the issue any block/alternative
- approve requested MRs, including meeting MR
- create/update issues for yourself and assign to next iteration
Do as needed:
- request reviews
- submit a page of text in submissions
- get MRs done
Meeting Notes
Questions from Johannes:
- Version mismatches in dev and prod, should be updated? -> yes
- Container failed due to migrations -> Create issues when running into problems
- Apache open file limits -> try with script from Jannis
- Update rust and nodejs everywhere -> +docu how to do bump
Heatmap algorithm:
- move the algorithm into separate files, makes it easier to change
We upgrade to:
- Rust 1.82
- NodeJS 20.18
- release master for now and next goal would be to publish dev
Thesis tips:
- if you use percentages, often absolute number are needed to make it easier to read
- Don't be afraid of repetition, the main message needs to be repeated throughout
- "This, those, these" refers to close objects in sentences, but using names is more clear
- In English, sentences should not be that long (that's a very German thing to do :)), use different ways to terminate or pause sentences
- For methodology: write exactly what happened and what you did, don't talk about what could or should be
- For summarizing numbers: use median instead of arithmetic mean as the median gets rid of outliers