Use Case: Map to PDF


  • Scope: Map View
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors: App User
  • Brief: Users can generate a PDF file of the map.
  • Assignee: Andrei


  • Precondition:
  • The user has opened the app and navigated to the desired map view.
  • Main success scenario:
  • The app captures a screenshot of the current map view and generates a PDF file.
  • The app adds a header/footer to the PDF containing the current time, map timestamp, GPS coordinates, and scale.
  • The user receives the generated PDF file for printing or saving.
  • Alternative scenario:
  • Error scenario:
  • The app encounters an issue while generating the PDF file, such as insufficient storage space or an unexpected error.
  • Postcondition:
  • The user has successfully generated a printable PDF file containing the current map view and relevant metadata in the header/footer.
  • Non-functional Contstrains:
  • The generated PDF should be compatible with common PDF readers and printers.
  • The option to generate a printable map should be easily accessible and understandable.