Meeting 04.04.2024 - Scrum Processes


  • Markus
  • Andrei
  • Yvonne


The main questions to answer:

  • How can we improve the way we create and work on issues?
  • How can we improve the way we deal with reviews of PRs?


  • Every 3 weeks, include a 30min retro in the meeting by Andrei
  • After releases, we have small demo so team is up to date with what's new.
  • Explore how GitLab can help us structure issues around Use Cases/Features
  • Try to have only issues that have an estimation of one week (can be done in the scope of one "sprint") - If they are too big, they should be broken down into sub-tasks
  • Reviews should be more structured - what type of review is it? (what should be checked - code/documentation/testing etc.), what issue is it relating to
  • Submissions as source of "expertise" - reviewers that match the expertise needed
  • Look into having separate "Master" and "Dev" Branches

Meeting Notes

General points brought up and short discussion on each:

  • Timeboxes from Scrum
    • Don't fully make sense in the scope of the project, sprints can't be longer than 1 week if there are no other regular touchpoints (e.g Daily Scrum)
  • Retro/Review
    • Might be interesting to try and integrate those concepts in our current meeting flow
  • From Use Cases to Issues to Pull Requests
    • We need a better structure, like the concept of "Epic"s or "Feature"s to categorize the issues. This might be better supported by moving to GitLab
    • What kind of info should an issue contain? From Use Cases to everything needed for implementation - currently, details might be missing that we only become aware of later
  • PRs and Reviews
    • Important to have a clear linking between the PR and the task it relates to, clear indication of what the Scope of the PR is, try not to combine multiple issues into one PR
    • Who should review? - we can use information from the submissions readme and have some rules of assigning reviews based on expertise - who can most help you review the part of the application you changed
    • PRs should not stay open for too long, to keep the Branches more stable and avoid conflicts
    • We should clean the older/"orphaned" PRs
  • Task Estimation
    • In the past, explicit estimation did not work well for the structure of the project. Try to stick to Issue size that is managable in the "sprint" time of one week