Meeting 2023-04-07 DB

Protocolled by: Nursultan


  • Nursultan
  • Moritz
  • Benjamin
  • Thorben
  • Ramzan
  • Paul
  • Markus
  • Luciano
  • Yvonne
  • (everyone on the mailing list is welcomed)


  1. given all the use cases, how should the tables for a map look like?
  2. think about how we do the plants hierarchy (that plants from lower ranks inherit attributes from higher ranks, e.g. the specific Tomato should contain all the data the general Tomato has, but without duplicating this data, see also for current status

Please make a sketch or similar of the tables.

Furthermore, following individual tasks as preparation:

  • Moritz: focus on question 2. of above
  • Nursultan: results of feasibility (which data of canvas needs to be stored in DB etc.)
  • Benjamin: look at how we do the plants hierarchy (that plants from lower ranks inherit what higher ranks have)
  • Ramzan: Which PostGIS datatypes will we use for 2D/3D points? Focus on question 1. of above
  • Thorben: ER/SQL for users and maps
  • Paul: how to sync map data for offline use

Previous Tasks

  • Nursultan:
    • DB Design
    • feasibility study
      • undo in DB
      • canvas zoom
      • what coordinates we have in the canvas? e.g. zoom-in
      • differences between databases
  • Ramzan:
    • guidelines
      • singular vs. plural
      • varchar vs. text
    • layers/alternatives/time support in DB (together with Nursultan)
    • continue researching/discovering PostGIS e.g. projection algorithms
  • Moritz:
    • connect plants with seeds (together with Paul)
    • handover of scraper tasks
  • Thorben:
    • create ER/SQL for users and maps tables (coordinate with Samuel)
  • Benjamin:
    • continue investigation in polyculture task

New Tasks

  • Yvonne: check if latin name is unique
  • Benjamin: plant hierachy, relationship
  • Moritz: latin_name rename
  • Nursultan: plant DB names i.e. scrapers
  • Paul:
  • Ramzan: rest DB
  • Thorben: rest DB


  • 14:00 start
  • welcome ☺️
  • goals:
    • stable migrations
    • maintenance
    • performance
  • DB Design
  • scraper/new columns:
  • which important decisions do we need to make?
    • plant relations:
    • undo
    • alternatives
    • singular vs. plural
    • ?
  • who wants to work on which task?


  • Thorben presented the map
    • re-check the requirements
  • coordinates in the database
    • can use different coordinate systems. but costly
    • can use lang/lat coordinate systems
    • LeafletJS
    • KonvaJS
  • cartesian vs lang/lat coordinates
  • balance between separate tables for each canvas object in the database vs. one table for the whole map as a stringified JSON
  • PostGIS can store raster information in the database
    • user can brush to draw raster areas