Meeting 2023-06-27

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 23.6.2023:

  • Get current use cases (UC) done
  • Talk to buddy about UI improvements and look together to
  • Submissions: abstract (4 sentences: context, problem, method, results) & conclusion
  • Push at least a short Changelog to the branch meeting_notes/27.06.2023
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in main repo or submissions (abstract)
  • Read already merged architecture part IV available as mdbook, see main to build
  • add photos you have from meeting to Nextcloud Photos/20230618_Live_meeting

Bug squashing

Please help fixing known bugs and UI issues until Friday 23.6.2023, e.g.:

  • use layer IDs
  • preview eher nicht
  • icons ein/ausblenden
  • layers ordnen
  • touch screen: on-click
  • text weg
  • on-hover
  • "planting" box better highlighting
  • redraw on resizing

A big thanks to Samuel&Paul for being behind this! Please join the effort!

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 23.6.2023:

  • Lukas: documentation of infrastructure, nextcloud base URL frontend fix, review felix PR, Keycloak SMTP (password reset)
  • Felix: cargo faster, make doc, mdbook deployment, pre-commit, emails
  • Gabriel: API+DB for plants finish, UC map search, Plant layer: relations (API), heat map, map polygon API
  • Christoph: review DB, documentation regarding PermaplanT setup, import of relations (in scraper), import of "sizes"
  • Samuel: keybindings, NC file picker, NC decision, NC hierarchy, bug fixes pair programming, Bug squashing with Paul
  • Paul: UC plant layer, time line UC, Bug squashing with Samuel
  • Moritz: UC plant search, UC base layer with fixed scale in frontend with NC images, seed/map search in frontend
  • Thorben: UC map creation done, UC gain blossoms, (membership application)
  • Markus: end-user docu


  • Paul
  • Christoph (Protokoll done)
  • Samuel (Protokoll done)
  • Gabriel (Protokoll done)
  • Moritz (Protokoll done)
  • Thorben (Protokoll done)
  • Adi
  • Felix
  • Giancarlo
  • Markus
  • Yvonne

not here:

  • Lukas


  • Lukas & Felix & Adi
  • Moritz & Christoph
  • Gabriel & Thorben
  • Samuel & Paul


  • 09:00 welcome
  • protocol: Paul
  • welcome Adi
  • buddy talk: UI improvements
  • deadlines, create individual deadlines for you in
    • maximum to August
    • other remaining tasks
    • issues (simply assign and link to assigned issues)
    • UC
    • text writing: introduction+goals
    • fixing bugs
  • update
  • abstract (4 sentences: context, problem, method, results) & conclusion
  • architecture:
    • minimal packages
    • npm packages for testing?
    • ids vs. text
    • performance: avoid polling
  • show/increment version number: #510 daily micro-releases
  • new deployment
  • sprint plan
  • outlook

Outlook: Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 30.6.2023:

  • Get current use cases (UC) done
  • Submissions: abstract (4 sentences: context, problem, method, results) & conclusion
  • Push at least a short Changelog to the branch meeting_notes/04.07.2023
  • Update sprint plan
  • create PR in submissions updating with deadlines and all remaining tasks
  • create PR updating
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in main repo and submissions
  • Read already merged architecture part V available as mdbook, see main to build

Outlook: Bug Squashing

Please help fixing known bugs and UI issues until Friday 30.6.2023

  • use icons for plants
  • use layer IDs
  • icons
  • layers order
  • touch screen: on-click
  • remove left-overs
  • on-hover texts
  • "planting" box better highlighting
  • redraw on resizing

In same PR:

  • also remove pan
  • tooltip not an selected plant and partly not visible and too small

New issues needed:

  • "hello" appears quite often -> Paul
  • texts: remove "Edit attributes", "Drag and drop" -> Pflanzen/Planting, "Layers" -> Ebenen; -> Moritz
  • layer tutorial -> Thorben

Already existing issues:

  • edit props -> Moritz
  • order of layers -> done master

Outlook: Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 30.6.2023:

  • Thorben: UC map creation done, UC gain blossoms
  • Moritz: UC plant search, UC base layer with fixed scale in frontend with NC images, seed/map search in frontend, UC shade layer, grid
  • Paul: UC plant layer, time line UC
  • Samuel: UC photo layer, keybindings, NC file picker, NC decision, NC hierarchy, bug fixes pair programming, Bug squashing with Paul
  • Christoph: review DB, documentation regarding PermaplanT setup, import of relations (in scraper), import of "sizes" (alternatives UC)
  • Gabriel: business logic: plant relations, API+DB for plants finish, UC map search, Plant layer: relations (API), heat map, map polygon API
  • Adi: npm doc, mdbook deployment, (versioning)
  • Felix: pre-commit, emails
  • Markus: release
  • Lukas: documentation of infrastructure


Please push progress important changes devs should know, e.g. decisions, in items with syntax - change _(Your Name)_ below:

Moved to doc/

Meeting Notes

  • short game with statements about other team members

  • thesis should be done at the latest until August (end of term)

  • UI improvements:

  • tooltip should be bigger and not overlap the mouse cursor (ideally -> scale dependent)

  • tooltip does not work if plant is selected

  • icons for plants

  • debug grid (every 10 cm a point or fine line)

  • change plant default size (30 cm)

  • slider handle maybe more prominent? (vertical dots)

  • Adi will look at the test strategy

  • important use cases should be tested end-to-end (move plant, add plant, ...)

  • first e2e test (plant search and check results)

  • thesis: free writing: write per hand what comes into mind -> refactor

  • changelog:

  • in its own file? -> yes (commit together with the PR)

  • readme in submissions:

  • specify final deadline (latest 31 august)

  • list all tasks to finish thesis