Meeting 03.06.2024


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Jannis (Presentation done)
  • Moritz (Presentation done)
  • Christoph (Presentation done)

Cannot come:

  • Lukas
  • Daniel (Protocol done, Presentation done)

Did not come:

  • Andrei (Presentation done)

Only in the beginning:

  • Filip


  • Daniel & Andrei
  • Moritz & Christoph
  • Jannis & Lukas


  • 09:00 start
  • CI dev issues (Filip)
  • check-in
  • protocol: Jannis
  • release done!
  • dev branch revisited
    • master -> dev no stable migrations
    • get dev merged soon (June?)
  • documentation can always be improved (any PR)
  • all questions in GitLab should've been answered (2.6.2024)
  • 060.030 How to Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
  • Life Meeting July/August?
  • next presentation: Lukas (Filip)
  • Task Board

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 07.06.2024:

  • buddy talk: status? support? ("Wo stehst du gerade? Wie kann ich dich unterstützen?)
  • approve meeting MR
  • get MRs done
  • request and approve for requested reviews
  • create/update issues for yourself and assign to next iteration

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 07.06.2024:

  • Daniel: brushes, refactoring, cleanup issues and UC (tests)
  • Jannis: offset, create issues: (1) tutorial for layer creation (creation/update metadata), (2) what interface should any layer have), (3) unify layer design
  • Christoph: SQL heatmap optimization, hierarchy, delete plants, subtyping
  • Moritz: base layer image offset, finish PRs: group vs. layers
  • Lukas: clarification+issues
  • Andrei: categorize and improve issues, remembering viewing state

Meeting Notes

  • Dev branch exists because heatmap is not done and cannot be merged into master yet. Christoph brought the performance to an acceptable level already (0.5s). Juni/july dev branch should be done.
  • Dev into Master: Open MR of branch originating from dev, which merges master into dev.
  • Backend has been merged by Jannis frontend has conflicts. Lukas will fix it.
  • Get together in summer, poll about who/when/details follow.