Polygon Libraries


For drawing areas of shadings, hydrology, zones, etc., we need to transform a set of points, drawn using a brush, into a polygon. Furthermore, we want to be able to create unions of polygons so that areas can be expanded and differences of polygons to reduce areas.


  • Algorithms need to be fast enough so that users won't recognize any delays.


  • We assume that there are no alternative packages readily available that offer significantly better performance or features than the ones we have explored.



graham-scan is an implementation of the Graham Scan algorithm to calculate a convex hull from a given set of points.

  • Easy to integrate.
  • It only provides convex hull calculation.


hull.js provides functions for calculating convex and concave hulls from a given set of points.

  • Concavity can be configured by a parameter.
  • Very easy to integrate.
  • Fast calculation.


polygon-clipping provides boolean polygon operations like intersection, union, and difference.

  • Well maintained.

Further packages

  • There are several other packages like flatten-js/boolean-op. However, most of them haven't been updated in a long time.

Note: Click here to see an image that shows the difference between convex and concave hulls.


We decided to use hull.js for calculating hulls and polygon-clipping for union operations.


Hull Calculation

  • hull.js is very easy to integrate. We already tested it in the drawing layer and it was easy to calculate a polygon by passing a set of drawn points.
  • The calculation is very fast.
  • We can configure how precisely the polygon should match the drawn shape.

Boolean Operation

  • polygon-clipping provides all the operations we need to unify polygons and it is regularly updated.