Meeting 2023-11-13


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Moritz (Protocol done)
  • Daniel (Protocol done)
  • Adi
  • Samuel

Not here:

  • Jannis (Protocol done)


  • Moritz & Samuel
  • Adi & Daniel & Jannis


  • 09:00 welcome, mood
  • Christoph N. finished
  • buddy talk
  • Protocol: Adi
  • questions:
    • did scaling change?
  • timeline:
    • presentation
    • feedback
  • workflow for reviews
  • PermaplanT 0.3.5 released!
    • please rebase PRs
  • weekly tasks:
    • always review meeting notes afterwards
  • Conclusions/current state of:
    • UI guidelines (reviews missing)
    • key bindings
    • layers vs. groups -> change to groups
  • PRs review and merge
  • sprint plan
  • outlook

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 17.11.2023:

  • vote for
  • buddy topic: guidelines
  • review of meeting PR
  • get current issues, PRs and use cases (UC) done
  • create/update issues/tests (behavior driven) as needed for future tasks
  • do/update sprint plan
  • do reviews of PRs in main repo and submissions
  • submit a (short) text in submissions

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 17.11.2023:

  • Daniel: refactoring merge, plant notes (guideline), timeline, warning, issues update
  • Moritz: finish PRs snap tests #1038, base layer finish (scaling, polygon)
  • Adi: E2E merge: seeds test, flaky test, Release Prep
  • Samuel: reviews, landing page for mobile

Not here:

  • Jannis: finish NC chat, milestone plan, Dockerfile neues Rust, mehrjährige pflanzen, remove variety
  • Chris: scraper fertig, plants hierarchy+relations

Meeting Notes


  • problem with notes in multiselect, needs visual representation&warning if data differs
  • add two more icon state for debouncing indicator:
    1. yellow triangle as warning if changes might have unwanted effects
    2. red cross if query failed
  • jumping from 30/31th to february and then back, what happens? should pick last day
  • set back to normal opacity so charts can be seen better
  • maybe collapsable timeline? -> generally liked, but is a new feature
  • maybe have a select box to disable the diagrams -> rather not

Tasks done

  • Adi:
    • 0.3.5 released
    • E2E disabled on master
  • Daniel:
    • Keybindings: different modifiers (alt, shift, ctrl)
  • Moritz:
    • repeated error toasts
    • plants connected with seeds

To do

(Also see above in "Individual Tasks" and issue tracker)

  • Daniel:
    • finish timeline first usecase
    • backend issue for timeline
    • write guideline on how to properly do the multiselect
    • layer warning (bad neighbours)
  • Moritz:
    • conva max layers
    • snaptests polygon
    • additional name (bug) when planting from inventory
  • Adi:
    • Finish seed tests
    • Close open PR's
    • Eventually release at the end of the week
  • Samuel:
    • Reviews
    • Fix slider bug
    • Grabbing cursor