Use Case: Event Notification


  • Scope: Notifications
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors:
    • Host: App User that hosts the event
    • Nearby user: App User that is nearby the host
    • User without location: App User that has no location


  • Precondition:
    • The host has opened the app and is logged in.
    • The host and the nearby user are located nearby (requires location settings of both users, nearby is a defined radius).
  • Main success scenario:
    • The host announces an event (e.g. a "virtual welcome party" because planning of the map was finished)
  • Alternative scenario:
  • Error scenario: The host does not have a location set: An error message is displayed, which informs them that the location is required for sending invitations.
  • Postcondition:
    • Nearby user gets a notification which informs them about the event (e.g. invitation to visit the map virtually).
    • The user without location gets a notification which informs them about the event (e.g. invitation to visit the map virtually) with the additional text that they get the invitation because they don't have a location set.
  • Non-functional Constraints: