Use Case: Layer Alternatives


  • Scope: All Layers
  • Level: User Goal
  • Actors: App User
  • Brief: User selects and modifies alternatives of a layer


  • Precondition: User has opened the app and a map.

  • Main success scenario:

    • User chooses a layer to enable
    • User duplicates the layer
    • User gives the layer a name
    • User modifies the layer
    • User may select another alternative of the layer. This change doesn't affect layer selections of other users (that work on the same map).
  • Alternative scenario:

    • User accidentally duplicates the layer and deletes the duplicate with "delete layer" functionality
    • User accidentally selects a wrong alternative as the current layer and undoes the action by selecting the correct layer
  • Error scenario:

    • If the user encounters technical issues or errors while using the layer alternatives, the platform should display an error message and allows the user to try again.
  • Postcondition: The user has successfully modified and selected an alternative of a layer.

  • Non-functional Constraints:

    • Performance: up to 10 alternatives should be fast to use
    • Offline functionality depending on the layer
  • Note:

    • Layers that support alternatives, have this specified as non-functional constraint.