Meeting 22.04.2024

Next meeting 6.5.2024 with presentation from Andrei about GitLab/Scrum


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Christoph
  • Moritz
  • Lukas
  • Jannis
  • Daniel (Protocol done)
  • Andrei (Scrum Master)


  • Daniel & Andrei
  • Moritz & Christoph
  • Jannis & Lukas


  • 09:00 start
  • protocol: Christoph
  • next meeting in 2 weeks
  • next release in 3 weeks
  • Köln Vortrag
  • tasks for everyone:
    1. TISS
    2. short mid-term presentation (Moritz already done)
    3. case study
  • use cases: relations&heatmap
    • environmental factors
  • TUgitLab migration
  • scrum with Andrei next week:
    • issues
    • reviews
  • (manual) e2e tests
  • sprint plan
  • (after general meeting): redesign frontend&store
    • 3 categories []
    • sub-objects #1304

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Tuesday 23.04.2024:

  • approve meeting PR
  • TUgitLab "Profile": set Avatar picture
  • TUgitLab set "Emails -> Add new email" with the public email address you used on GitHub and confirm that email
  • TUgitLab set "Notifications -> Global notification level" to watch, so that you will get emails in future from activity
  • TUgitLab "SSH Keys": add ssh key
  • tick yourself in #1295
  • update/clarify your issues

Break for any GitHub activity to migrate to GitLab starts: Wednesday 24.04.2024 14:00. From 25.04.2024 on we use GitLab.

To be done until Friday 26.05.2024:

  • create first research question with intro in submissions repo (in GitLab)
  • get used to GitLab (video tutorials etc.)

To be done until Friday 03.05.2024:

  • buddy talk: presentation topic
  • get PRs done
  • socratic questioning with at least two questions for research questions, see unterlagen/
  • cleanup/clarification of all currently assigned issues
  • request and approve for requested reviews requested reviews
  • do/update sprint plan

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 03.05.2024:

  • Filip: GitLab migration
  • Daniel: finish timeline, drawing, create new layer
  • Jannis: creating layers, create issues: (1) tutorial for layer creation (creation/update metadata + (2) what interface should any layer have), (3) notification profilen (4) drawing layer db design, (5) unify layer design
  • Christoph: SQL heatmap optimization, hierarchy, delete plants, subtyping
  • Lukas: use cases, create issues: investigate performance (profile)
  • Andrei: categorize and improve issues, copy&paste use case
  • Moritz: refactoring
  • Christoph: heatmap questions

Meeting Notes

  • Next meeting in 2 weeks
  • Next release in 3 weeks
  • Andrei will give his presentation in 2 weeks

Markus did a short presentation about his current research topic 'configuration', also in the context of Elektra and PermaplanT. It's important for presentations and our thesis to present a domain specific question in the context of our scientific topic.

Everyone should do a short presentation (2-3min, 2-3 slides) to introduce themselves and show the others what they are working on. Topics could be about e.g. about your research questions, some code, some tooling, the case study or a benchmark. Furthermore, everyone should use PermaplanT for your use case, e.g. plan your garden.

It would be great if everyone could give demos from time to time.

Relation layer and heatmap show environmental constraints. Considering other plants and environmental factors (hydrology, soil, etc.). icons and text will describe relations in the relation layer, e.g. "Spinach should not be planted after spinach" (crop rotation).

Socratic questioning: While reviewing the research question PRs for each review take at least two socratic questions (see unterlagen/

Lukas talked about the Brush feature. The brush drawing might need pixels to make it work like in paint. But we could use the border around these pixels to have the polygon we need.

Bug fixes should target master other developer should target the dev branch. In the future this should also be indicated by labels in issues.