Setup scripts for PermaplanT

The setup guide for the whole backend can be found in backend


This setup uses the keycloak image packaged by bitnami. More information can be found here


  • admin user: admin
  • admin password: admin

Start a keycloak instance with a persistent storage with:

docker compose up

Open http://localhost:8081/admin.
Sign in with user admin and password admin.
Click on master -> Create Realm.
Name the realm PermaplanT and click Create.

Either import the frontend client configuration:

Click on Clients -> Import client.
Click Browse Select /doc/setups/keycloak/PermaplanT.json Click Save

or manually create the client:

Click on Clients -> Create client.
Set the Client ID to PermaplanT. Click Next two times.
Set values: Root URL = http://localhost:5173, Valid redirect URIs = /*, Web origins = +.
Click Save.

Create a second client swagger-ui with Root URL = http://localhost:8080/doc/api/swagger/ui (everything else the same as above).

Go to Users and create a user test.
Click Credentials and set password to test.


Docker compose setup for nextcloud with mariadb:

Start the Nextcloud instance with:

docker compose up

nginx (WIP)

This setup should spin up a Nextcloud instance behind a nginx reverse proxy with TLS enabled. Https is required for Nextcloud to allow the login via Keycloak.

Although everything seems to work correctly the login with Keycloak fails anyways...

This means requests against the Nextcloud APIs have to be tested with a remote Nextcloud instance.