Manual Test Report (v0.3.6)


  • Tester: Aydan Namdar Ghazani
  • Date/Time: 21. November 2023
  • Duration: 5 minutes
  • Commit/Tag: 671cab1
  • Setup: localhost
  • Planned tests: 6
  • Executed tests: 6
  • ✔️Passed tests: 6
  • ⚠️Problematic tests: 0
  • ❌Failed tests: 0

Error Analysis

"Sorry I couldnt load your image" error occured on opening a fresh map.

Closing remarks

How is the current state of the software?

The software is in a good state. The image loading error is a known bug, it still exists.

Have the quality objectives been achieved?

There were no defined quality objectives at this time.

What are the consequences drawn from the current state, including: how can future errors be avoided, how can the development process be improved?



  • Description: Show a selection of plants if the search input is empty.
  • Given I am on a map page with the plant layer active
  • When I have an empty search box
  • Then I can see various plants as results
  • Test Result: ✔️

Base Layer

  • Description: Check whether the maps background image is displayed correctly.
  • Given I am on a map page with the base layer active
  • When I select a base layer image
  • Then I can see the base layer image on the canvas
  • Test Result: ✔️


  • Description: Display a point grid on the screen.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I Zoom in or out
  • Then the grid spacing is changing
  • Test Result: ✔️

Map Editor Guided Tour

  • Description: Check whether the Guided Tour leaves the Map Editor in its original state.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I do the Guided Tour
  • Then after I have done the Guided Tour the map is the same as before
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️

Map Editor Guided Tour

  • Description: Guided Tour shows when not completed.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I have not completed the Guided Tour
  • Then I can do the Guided Tour at any time
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️

Map Editor Guided Tour

  • Description: Guided Tour only shows when not completed or explicitly cancelled.
  • Given I am on a map page
  • When I have not completed the Guided Tour
  • Then I can interrupt the Tour at any time and come back later
  • Actual Result:
  • Test Result: ✔️