Meeting 2023-05-02

Protocolled by: Samuel


  • Ramzan (Best PermaplanT Companion KW17)
  • Gabriel (Best PermaplanT Companion KW16)
  • Moritz (Best PermaplanT Companion KW15)
  • Samuel (Best PermaplanT Companion KW14)
  • Thorben
  • Lukas
  • Markus
  • Yvonne

Unfortunately cannot attend:

  • Paul
  • Giancarlo (Best PermaplanT Companion KW11)


  • Giancarlo & Moritz
  • Lukas & Gabriel
  • Ramzan & Thorben
  • Samuel & Paul

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until 28.4.2023 (KW17):

  • Speak to your buddy about contributions
  • Finish/integrate your implementation of use case(s) as assigned in /doc/usecases.
  • Write Forschungstagebuch
  • Push at least a very short Changelog and Progress Report to the branch meeting_notes/02.05.2023
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week in main repo and submissions
  • Thesis: add (potential) contributions
  • Create issues of favorite things you would like to do

Individual Tasks

To be done until 28.4.2023 (KW17):

  • Paul: frontend architecture, timeline
  • Giancarlo: copy&paste, plants layer drag&drop
  • Ramzan: Post GIS
  • Samuel: UI for plant use case (toolbar), frontend auth, layer enable
  • Gabriel: auth, testing strategy, new unit tests
  • Thorben: map creation with versions full stack (UI, end point, database)
  • Moritz: base layer, DB review
  • Yvonne: Drawings,
  • Markus: PRs mergen


  • 09:00 welcome

  • protocol: Samuel

  • switch to German spoken

  • game: true/false question

  • which task do you postpone most?

    • cron deletion
    • writing on the thesis
    • search feature
  • GIS outcome

    • fixed coordinate system: WGS84
    • we are expecting postGIS examples (usecases implemented in SQL)
  • Review Process

    • create issues shortly explaining what you want to do (before Friday!)
    • create PR, assign two persons for review
    • incorporate feedback and assign @markus2330 for review (before Friday!)
    • if there are at least two "approved" and no "requested changes", everyone except the PR author can merge
    • in case of doubt, let @markus2330 merge
  • server:

    • local checkout of Nextcloud
    • keycloak shared or for testing? -> mutliple realms managed, in .env URL+realm
  • fixed hours of work

  • brainstorming about end-user documentation (

    • gamification

    • hover tooltip/title (makes most sense)

    • chatGPT/GPT4 in combination with a vector DB -> generate answers for questions

    • tourguide/tutorial

    • faq/handbook (probably a lot of effort)

    • notes/hints during loading times

    • videos

  • sprint plan: Planning for next iteration. done: - unit tests (backend and frontend) - entity documentation

  • backlog:

    • importance of progress reports/questions/decisions
    • documentation for yourself
  • finish second milestone: 5.5.2023


Please push progress important changes devs should know, e.g. decisions, in items below:


Please push questions in items below:

Progress Reports

Please push a short progress report in items below:

  • Samuel: improved toolbar (left bar, introduced dependency react-draggable, placeholder content for left bar, pass content as props), research on oidc client lib
  • Gabriel: backend architecture documentation (Review), graceful shutdown (Review), OAuth2 backend (WIP)
  • Lukas: Scraper Data in CI
  • Thorben: Map overview page and map creation prototype


To be done until 5.5.2023 (KW18):

  • Merge all PRs for plants use case: integrated UI
  • Speak to your buddy about fixed hours
  • update your README in submissions: fixed hours, contact data etc.
  • Write Forschungstagebuch
  • Push at least a very short Changelog and Progress Report to the branch meeting_notes/9.5.2023
  • Update sprint plan
  • Do at least 8 reviews of other PRs in this week in main repo and submissions
  • Thesis: write any page you feel like, Free Writing
  • Nominate for “Best PermaplanT Companion”-Awards KW19 (now without Nursultan and Benjamin, we will miss them!)