Meeting 13.05.2024


  • Markus
  • Yvonne
  • Jannis
  • Moritz
  • Lukas (Protocol done)
  • Daniel (Protocol done)
  • Andrei (Scrum Master)

Cannot come:

  • Christoph (Protocol done)


  • Daniel & Andrei
  • Moritz & Christoph
  • Jannis & Lukas


  • 09:00 start
  • protocol: Jannis
  • presentation next week: Jannis
  • CI
    • Cannot create maps on
    • CI sometimes rerun
    • mdbook crashes? network problems?
  • Daniel Presentation
    • Selectable, resizeable, disturbable (canBeDistorted) and rotatable
  • scrum with Andrei:
    • issues
    • reviews
    • Task Board
    • next meeting: 20th of May (Pfingsmontag)

Not Yet Discussed

  • refactoring frontend&store (conclusion was written down in issue)
  • next release
  • JSON in database
  • GitLab "please merge" only if:
    • 2 reviewers
    • all threads solved
  • add more manual and automatic e2e tests

Tasks for Everyone

To be done until Friday 17.05.2024:

  • buddy talk: use case
  • approve meeting MR
  • get MRs done
  • request and approve for requested reviews
  • create/update issues for yourself and assign to next iteration

Individual Tasks

To be done until Friday 17.05.2024:

  • Moritz: base layer image offset, avatar GitLab, postponed map deletion (frontend), selection+deselection refactoring
  • Jannis: postponed deletion layers+map (backend), create issues: (1) tutorial for layer creation (creation/update metadata + (2) what interface should any layer have), (3) unify layer design, presentation
  • Lukas: toolbar refactoring (dev), merge master into dev, hydrology clarification+issues
  • Daniel: finish drawing UC (tests etc.), create new layer, brushes
  • Andrei: categorize and improve issues, remembering viewing state (copy&paste)

Cannot come:

  • Christoph: SQL heatmap optimization, hierarchy, delete plants, subtyping

Meeting Notes

  • Database logging improvements needs to improve to help debug the MR server.
  • Some DB errors seem to be swallowed.
  • Jannis+Filip will work on this.
  • Daniel held a presentation on Konva and the refactoring of selection elements on our map.
  • We might have a performance problem with 10.000 elements in the editor, Konva is not the bottleneck.
  • We need further profile the code to find out if more finegrained control over the rerendering of components in the map is needed. It may be necessary to rewrite the map in a more imperative style.
  • Jannis presents next week (20.5) about performance of SEE focusing on the profiling setup.